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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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omigod the US passport thing. Again.


I'm going to bold-type this, in the vain hope that it might finally sink in :


Until June, 2009, US citizens wanting to go to Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, Bermuda and Panama could do so bearing only US citizenship proof like an "official" birth certificate (usually embossed with state seal) and a government-issued id (like a driver's license)


I think if British people didn't need a passport to leave the country in not just many, but most cases like Americans did for many many years, then less of them would bother getting a passport as well.


now that Americans DO need a passport to go to those places, the percentage of Americans having passports is going to increase. A lot.



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;6595372']It would be even MORE divisive of him to favour one religion over another.... not to mention illegal. This has been twisted into extreme right wing propaganda by the far right media and you're gullible enough to fall for it... You'd do well to watch this piece from Kieth Olbermann that i linked earlier but obviously did not watch...




I turned that video off halfway through. There was so much aggression in that man's voice it frightened me.

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This post says an awful lot about you Grahame. Whatever respect I had for you is fast dwindling. Please don't ever again try and convince me of your Christian credentials. You stand accused of being a big hypocrite.


Whatever happened to "love thy neighbour?" :roll:


Loving your neighbour is fine, but loving the things they do as in the 11/9 attack is a big no-no. However from your post it looks as though you think I should love them, and presumably, seeing as they are your neighbour as well, you do?


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It was probably the content of what he was saying that frightened you.

BF. I said what I said. If I had meant to say anything else I would have. Now talk sense man, you should know me well enough by now to know I speak my mind, so don't say I said one thing when I meant another.



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I find these types of arguments totally fallacious to be honest, would we be able to this over there, obvious answer being 'no', OK then that means that we will not allow it to happen here, tit for tat - up yours! The point is, we live (and by that I mean us in the West which includes the States) in a pluralist society. To deny the right of people of another faith, who happen to follow that that the jihadists follow, makes us as bad as those whom we criticise for their totalitarianism. Can you not see that?
It makes sense to me. That's why Grahame can't see it. He has a narrow view that sees only Jesus.:)
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You'll get banned (again) for doing that you know.


Don't think so (as I've quoted your post in it's entirity and not implied you had said something you didn't - which is what you did).


Now, stop acting daft.


Huh? Is this a genuinely honest mistake or a wilful mendacity? Grahame, that is not what Plek is saying as well you know.:roll:


He's done it many time one here before, and is often caught out. He then accuses other users of lying about him. You get used to it.


You cannot go second guessing what is in Obama's mind.


Same as cretins saying he is muslim, when he is not.


Where is the respect? Why build there?


They're not building, they're re-building.


Just pointing out peoples hypocrisy more like and double standards.


Yet you squeal like a pig when someone does the same to you.


The hypocrisy of the hypocrite is the most hypocritical of them all.


It is ALL about the disaster and remembering it.


And no I would not build monuments to people like Peter Sutcliffe.


Do you practice to be this insane?


No one is erecting any monument, merely a re-build of an existing building.


I am sure there are people who will see it that way?


You mean people like you. Any normal thinking person wouldn't be bothered about a renovation of an existing, run down, building.


Remember now it's all about constitutional rights and freedom of expression.


The UK doesn't have a written constitution to defend.


What I want to know is if a monument to Hitler in Coventry was requested by a group of say Nazi admirers would you based on your arguments so far as constituional rights are concerned say that it was quite within their rights.


Yes or No ?


Of course it's within their rights to ask for one.


He's a Christian you know.


In name only (as evidenced by some of the vitriol he's posted on SF over the last few years).


May none of you ever lose loved ones in a future terroris attack


Maybe some of users did lose family and (or) friends on 11/9:(.

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BF. I said what I said. If I had meant to say anything else I would have. Now talk sense man, you should know me well enough by now to know I speak my mind, so don't say I said one thing when I meant another.




He had a perfectly even tone, it's like listening to Jeremy Paxman.

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