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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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That is why scientists have microscopes and astronomers have telescopes, so they can focus on the essential truth.


Whereas religious zealots (of all flavours, and I include you in this group) have blinkers.

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Obama is a politician first and he's already finding out he's put his foot in his mouth and getting a lot of negative reaction which he specially doesn't need now as he's already on the receiving end of a lot of bad press over the unemployment situation and faltering economic recovery despite his massive bailouts and stimulus package.


According to the pundits the Democrats face the loss of quite a number of seats to the Republicans in the upcoming mid term elections including the possibility of the Senate majority.


Those remarks of his have not helped his party at this critical time and he knows it which is why he is now back peddling and attempring damage control


He should have kept out of it. He may be the President but he's not the Governor of New York State or the Mayor of New York City nor did he lose any of his family in 9/11.


Sometimes the wisest words are no words spoken at all

I am blessed with living close to NYC. I am also blessed with knowing many of its citizens. A lot has been said about their rudeness, their wisecracking ways. But when you're in a jam, they're among the best that are. They voted for Mayor Bloomberg, and made a good choice. If he says irs OK to put a mosque anywhere, its good enough for me. It needs no President, They tend to get in the way, good or bad.
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I am blessed with living close to NYC. I am also blessed with knowing many of its citizens. A lot has been said about their rudeness, their wisecracking ways. But when you're in a jam, they're among the best that are. They voted for Mayor Bloomberg, and made a good choice. If he says irs OK to put a mosque anywhere, its good enough for me. It needs no President, They tend to get in the way, good or bad.




There was an interview on KABC this morning with Carl Rove. I dont always agree with what that man says but I have to agree with his opinion that Obama had no need to get involved with this issue. He should have enough on his plate already to keep his mind occupied elsewhere. His business is in Washington DC and not New York


Some consideration should be given to the families of the victims I think but it appears that this is not the case. They should be allowed some input as to what their thoughts and opinions are but it seems that what they think matters little. The matter of the freeing of the Lockerbie bomber is another example of crass insensitivity when it comes to the bereaved.

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I agree, politically this isn't a smart move by Obama, but if it says anything it shows he's being led by his conscience rather than vote winning.
If only all politics were like that. the world would be a better place.
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There was an interview on KABC this morning with Carl Rove. I dont always agree with what that man says but I have to agree with his opinion that Obama had no need to get involved with this issue


The President of the USA has no need to get involved on Constitutional rights? What the hell is he there for?

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I think you need to let the dust settle and for people to get used to the idea. I feel you are forcing the issue and that just gets peoples backs up, attitudes harden and people become all the more determined to oppose the mosque.
I very much doubt if many NewYorker's backs are up over suffragete's comments.99.99 percent of them have never heard of her, and nobody else's opinion matters, only theirs.:hihi:
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If only all politics were like that. the world would be a better place.


Indeed buck, it's a naive view but you're right the world would be a better place for it.


I'm sure Obama hasn't got to where he is by being all sweetness and light, he must have trodden on a lot of toes, but I do think morally he's right on this issue and had he been politicking he would have said nothing at all or done a Gingrich.

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I'm not suggesting anything. Muslims need somewhere, it goes without saying, and my only hope and prayer is that it is acceptable to all. :)
It will never be acceptable to all. Nothing ever is. Except for a unanimous jury verdict, and that is seldom easy to achieve.
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Some consideration should be given to the families of the victims I think but it appears that this is not the case. They should be allowed some input as to what their thoughts and opinions are but it seems that what they think matters little. The matter of the freeing of the Lockerbie bomber is another example of crass insensitivity when it comes to the bereaved.


Hopefully that consideration will be given full support at whatever is built to replace the WTC, that's absolutely right, but I don't see what consideration should be given on a planning matter relating to a relatively small building 3 blocks away.

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The President of the USA has no need to get involved on Constitutional rights? What the hell is he there for?


Who said it was a matter of constituional rights? No one is denying them the right to worship. The whole matter has been turned into a full blown case of smoke and mirrors when the only real issue is should the mosque be built near Ground Zero or not? And should the several thousand families who lost loved ones that day be given some voice in the matter?


Some may see the building of the mosque as a process in reconcilation and healing but in my opinion it will only result in bitterness, bad feeling and even more divisiveness in the long run


We shall see however

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