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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Hopefully that consideration will be given full support at whatever is built to replace the WTC, that's absolutely right, but I don't see what consideration should be given on a planning matter relating to a relatively small building 3 blocks away.


Which incidentally according to some news reports received some roof damage from the undercarriage or landing gear of the aircraft as it approached the Twin Towers. It may be just an old coat factory but by the damage it received it has historically become part of what happened on 9/11.


It could remodeled and turned into a museum with exhibits showing models of the Twin Towers before the explosion and details of the attack and at which points the towers were hit. Photos of the firefighters, police and rescue workers and of people running down the street as the towers started to collapse. There must be thousands of photos taken on that day. And finally a chapel of rememberance with the names of all those killed engraved on the walls, something like the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor


There is a Museum of Tolerace in Los Angeles commemorating the Holocaust with exhibits and photos depicting the horror of those years so why not a museum in that building with a similar theme

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Who said it was a matter of constituional rights? No one is denying them the right to worship. The whole matter has been turned into a full blown case of smoke and mirrors when the only real issue is should the mosque be built near Ground Zero or not?



Not. It's two whole blocks away.

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Too late for that. I lost a relative in Warrington to the IRA.


I believe that bomb was largely funded by Americans, but I'm not holding you peronally responsible.

Let's not go there.It was funded by some Americansmostly of Irish descent, but many other Irish Americans were opposed to it
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Not. It's two whole blocks away.


Rather than me just turning into a parrot just go back and read my post # 752which concerns that particular buildiIng


Incidentally I am sorry to hear about your loss to an act of terrorism. I never understood why the FBI didnt crack down on those people who were funding the IRA. They knew it was going on. The organisation that funded the IRA were called Noraid and they had a booth at an Irish fair which is held annually not far from my home. These Noraid people working at the booth were dressed in green shirts with Noraid embroidered on the back and were openly soliciting funds.


I walked out of that fair and told one of the officials who was standing near the entrance to shove the fair up his ass. Never went back to another one either

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Which incidentally according to some news reports received some roof damage from the undercarriage or landing gear of the aircraft as it approached the Twin Towers. It may be just an old coat factory but by the damage it received it has historically become part of what happened on 9/11.
I don't doubt it Harley, but nobody died in the building as a result of the terrorist attack. How far do we go? It could end up with ridiculous objections from victims families.


It could remodeled and turned into a museum with exhibits showing models of the Twin Towers before the explosion and details of the attack and at which points the towers were hit. Photos of the firefighters, police and rescue workers and of people running down the street as the towers started to collapse. There must be thousands of photos taken on that day. And finally a chapel of rememberance with the names of all those killed engraved on the walls, something like the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor
That's a perfectly appropriate suggestion for what ever they put on the site of the WTC, that's where the 'shrine' should be and where the emotional significance is focussed.

There is a Museum of Tolerace in Los Angeles commemorating the Holocaust with exhibits and photos depicting the horror of those years so why not a museum in that building with a similar theme

..because the building has been legally purchased by a group of American citizens who'd like to do something else with it, there's plenty of opportunity on the cleared site of the WTC to do all the things you propose, and more, which nobody could disagree with.
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On this occasion, I seem to be a bit at odds with my fellow ex pats. I firmly believe that the rights of all American citizens should be sacrosanct. We are not governed by referendum, for that would make the majority group right all the time, which they are not. My friendship with my group is not harmed in any way. That's what makes it great where I can go into my favorite bar, and have a few beers with people I totally disagree with. No Tickets, or reporting to the mods.

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Loving your neighbour is fine, but loving the things they do as in the 11/9 attack is a big no-no. However from your post it looks as though you think I should love them, and presumably, seeing as they are your neighbour as well, you do?



Can you please explain where you got that idea from?


I attacked your Christian credentials Grahame. I did'nt say anything about loving terrorists.


In my time on this forum you have stoutly defended your faith and your bible and I have defended you. Now I find you are an imposter! You have made some statements throughout this thread that a man of god should never say. You have diminshed yourself in my eyes.

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On this occasion, I seem to be a bit at odds with my fellow ex pats. I firmly believe that the rights of all American citizens should be sacrosanct. We are not governed by referendum, for that would make the majority group right all the time, which they are not. My friendship with my group is not harmed in any way. That's what makes it great where I can go into my favorite bar, and have a few beers with people I totally disagree with. No Tickets, or reporting to the mods.


Thumbs up on that buck.


I'm always at odds with some of the guys down at the watering hole. Some of them had the unmitigated gall to actually support the Celtics, damned traitors :hihi:

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On this occasion, I seem to be a bit at odds with my fellow ex pats. I firmly believe that the rights of all American citizens should be sacrosanct. We are not governed by referendum, for that would make the majority group right all the time, which they are not. My friendship with my group is not harmed in any way. That's what makes it great where I can go into my favorite bar, and have a few beers with people I totally disagree with. No Tickets, or reporting to the mods.


Good for you Buck! :thumbsup:

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