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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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I don't doubt it Harley, but nobody died in the building as a result of the terrorist attack. How far do we go? It could end up with ridiculous objections from victims families.


That's a perfectly appropriate suggestion for what ever they put on the site of the WTC, that's where the 'shrine' should be and where the emotional significance is focussed.

..because the building has been legally purchased by a group of American citizens who'd like to do something else with it, there's plenty of opportunity on the cleared site of the WTC to do all the things you propose, and more, which nobody could disagree with.


Would it be unreasonable though to get some opinions and thoughts from the bereaved? Shouldn't they be allowed a voice amid all this rhetoric?

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On this occasion, I seem to be a bit at odds with my fellow ex pats. I firmly believe that the rights of all American citizens should be sacrosanct. We are not governed by referendum, for that would make the majority group right all the time, which they are not. My friendship with my group is not harmed in any way. That's what makes it great where I can go into my favorite bar, and have a few beers with people I totally disagree with. No Tickets, or reporting to the mods.


Spot on. :thumbsup:


With you living in New York, I hope if this project is ever built that you get to visit it and see for yourself what's going on


Ps: but don't report back if you've been converted ;)

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Would it be unreasonable though to get some opinions and thoughts from the bereaved?


..I don't know Harley, I think it sets a dangerous precedent for anything that might offend people in the future if objections on purely emotional grounds can form a significant part of the planning approval process.


I'm completely with you that actually building on the WTC site would be wrong and insensitive, but there were mosques and places of worship in Lower Manhattan long before the 9/11 tragedy, it would be unfair if the authorities suddenly turned round and said their fellow citizens who are Muslims weren't welcome there, it would be like Americans holding you responsible for the release of the Lockerbie terrorist because you originate from the UK, can you imagine how that would make you feel?


I think first & foremost Americans have to accept that American Muslims are Americans, you're all (mainly) singing from the same song sheet.


Cordoba House has been described as the Muslim equivalent of the YMCA, a place for people of all faiths to come together, socialise and learn from each other.


I know it will be difficult for some, but if it could be taken at face value it would become far less threatening.

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..I don't know Harley, I think it sets a dangerous precedent for anything that might offend people in the future if objections on purely emotional grounds can form a significant part of the planning approval process.


I'm completely with you that actually building on the WTC site would be wrong and insensitive, but there were mosques and places of worship in Lower Manhattan long before the 9/11 tragedy, it would be unfair if the authorities suddenly turned round and said their fellow citizens who are Muslims weren't welcome there, it would be like Americans holding you responsible for the release of the Lockerbie terrorist because you originate from the UK, can you imagine how that would make you feel?


I think first & foremost Americans have to accept that American Muslims are Americans, you're all (mainly) singing from the same song sheet.


Cordoba House has been described as the Muslim equivalent of the YMCA, a place for people of all faiths to come together, socialise and learn from each other.


I know it will be difficult for some, but if it could be taken at face value it would become far less threatening.



Just so long as it never becomes anything like the mosque in Finsbury Park, London was a few years back but common sense tells me it never will


There are disaffected Muslims in the US as well as in the UK. The shooting at Fort Hood several months ago and the arrest of some recently bears witness to this although the Muslims who emigrate here or were American born are for the most part better educated than those in Europe, many in the professions and not living in ghettos or hanging around on street corners in neighborhoods that resemble the ones they left behind. They are ethnically mixed with other groups in the places they live in and that helps considerbaly to avoid a sense of alienation which has been the cause of much of the problem in England and France

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..Cordoba House has been described as the Muslim equivalent of the YMCA, a place for people of all faiths to come together, socialise and learn from each other.


I know it will be difficult for some, but if it could be taken at face value it would become far less threatening.


That will be a sight to behold.

A load of Muslims dressed as Bikers, Builders, Red Indians, etc.

Still it will be better than the Burka I suppose. ;)

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Rather than me just turning into a parrot just go back and read my post # 752which concerns that particular buildiIng


Incidentally I am sorry to hear about your loss to an act of terrorism. I never understood why the FBI didnt crack down on those people who were funding the IRA. They knew it was going on. The organisation that funded the IRA were called Noraid and they had a booth at an Irish fair which is held annually not far from my home. These Noraid people working at the booth were dressed in green shirts with Noraid embroidered on the back and were openly soliciting funds.


I walked out of that fair and told one of the officials who was standing near the entrance to shove the fair up his ass. Never went back to another one either

I too am sorry for what happened to you in Warrington. It was a despicable act carried out against children. My family is mostly Irish though I am not. If you had heard what they said about that event, and the murder of Lord Louis Mountbatten , and heard their condemnation of Noraid, you would have been heartened to know it wasn't every Irishman's plan.:)
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Spot on. :thumbsup:


With you living in New York, I hope if this project is ever built that you get to visit it and see for yourself what's going on


Ps: but don't report back if you've been converted ;)

I don't actually live in NYC, I live in Northern Connecicut about 120 miles away. That may be a long way in UK, but here it's commutable, A train from my town will take me nonstop to Penn Station in an hour and half. It runs every hour till midnight. Its as cheap as driving and a lot safer than I-95 or the Merritt Parkway. I have never been to the site since 9/11. We were at Great Neck on Long Island at my son's house in full view of the event that day. We used to go to Batory Park where the WTC was located, on our way by ferry to Staten Island before, but haven't since.
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I turned that video off halfway through. There was so much aggression in that man's voice it frightened me.
Grow some balls and learn not to be offended at even the slightest thing... You have a thing about sticking your fingers in your ears and not listening to evidence that may destroy your world view don't you? :(
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I too am sorry for what happened to you in Warrington. It was a despicable act carried out against children. My family is mostly Irish though I am not. If you had heard what they said about that event, and the murder of Lord Louis Mountbatten , and heard their condemnation of Noraid, you would have been heartened to know it wasn't every Irishman's plan.:)




I think this reply should have been directed to HeadingNorth as he/she was the person who suffered the loss in Warrington

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