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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Personally i think setting up a bend and squak centre near grund zero shows a massive lack of sensitivity by those doing it. But it's their funeral and after all this is in the US so they will decide.


My sentiments also but why should anyone worry about the feelings of those who lost loved ones just as the Scottish parliament failed to do by releasing the Lockerbie bomber

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Old Jack's sexcapades were enough to fill any book. The Kennedys were very much like many of the big nouveau rich American families.


Many of these self made millionaires brought their daughters to Europe in hopes of marrying them off to members of the European aristocracy. A little blue blood in the families of fish merchants, miners, railroad workers who had struck it big from humble beginnings was very desirable.


One of Kennedy's sisters was married to an English blue blood and I believe he was later killed in the war



Bit off topic though so wont go further

She was married to the son of the Duke of Devonshire. She was killed in a plane ceash during the war, and is buried om Edensor churchtard at Chatsworth. JFK visited her grave while he was president. The Kennedy's made much of their fortune from bootlegging.
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the old man Joe P., was one of the 20th century's leading ********.


it's difficult to say if his happening to be an American was a blessing, or what. He sure got up to some mischief as it was, but had he been Russian or Chinese, he could have done a lot more damage, like Stalin or Mao.


on the other hand, he might have been killed off early.


it's one of those historical conundums that will probably never be resolved.

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She was married to the son of the Duke of Devonshire. She was killed in a plane ceash during the war, and is buried om Edensor churchtard at Chatsworth. JFK visited her grave while he was president. The Kennedy's made much of their fortune from bootlegging.



One story is that he arranged for a lobotomy to be done on his daughter Kathleen who it was said had some behavioral problems and Kathleen ended up a near vegetable for the rest of her life just as he ended up after a massive stroke

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the old man Joe P., was one of the 20th century's leading ********.


it's difficult to say if his happening to be an American was a blessing, or what. He sure got up to some mischief as it was, but had he been Russian or Chinese, he could have done a lot more damage, like Stalin or Mao.


on the other hand, he might have been killed off early.


it's one of those historical conundums that will probably never be resolved.


If he had become president he might never have extended lend lease at the beginning of WW2.

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he was far too smart to even try to run for President.


he'd never have got the nomination anyway, even if he'd have happened to have an open field, rather than attempting to defeat an incumbent President in the primaries, like his son Ted tried to do, but failed, against Carter in 1980.


it wasn't just because FDR was unbeatable. Even if FDR had died in office in 1938 rather than 1945, Kennedy still wouldn't have got there.


the US definitely wasn't ready for a Catholic President in 1940. They were only just ready for one in 1960, and there's never been once since. Only Kerry has even tried since.

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Pubs wouldn't...Irish pubs would. It's the word "Irish" that gives it away.


Precisely, and it is the same with Muslims.


However we need to remember that the majority are nice, honest, and lovely people and we shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush. :)


Bearing that in mind the names do have terrorist associations and with regard to the Muslim centre in NY it might be the word Muslim that is the stumbling block for a lot of people due to the name association with what happened on that fateful day?


If the people behind the project were prepared to drop the sectarian name then it would speak volumes for their good intentions imo, otherwise it will remain a sectarian 'Muslim' centre with all the associations that word conjures up.



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One story is that he arranged for a lobotomy to be done on his daughter Kathleen who it was said had some behavioral problems and Kathleen ended up a near vegetable for the rest of her life just as he ended up after a massive stroke


Yes, he did, although it was Rosemary Kennedy (II) who had the lobotomy. To be fair, we need to contextualise this somewhat, abhorrent though it seems now, it was a common means of 'treating' mental disorders of the era, although I think that Rosemary had suffered brain damage at birth rather than having mental health issues.

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Precisely, and it is the same with Muslims.


However we need to remember that the majority are nice, honest, and lovely people and we shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush. :)


Bearing that in mind the names do have terrorist associations and with regard to the Muslim centre in NY it might be the word Muslim that is the stumbling block for a lot of people due to the name association with what happened on that fateful day?


If the people behind the project were prepared to drop the sectarian name then it would speak volumes for their good intentions imo, otherwise it will remain a sectarian 'Muslim' centre with all the associations that word conjures up.




Grahame how does your second sentence fit in with the subsequent sentences?

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