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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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It could remodeled and turned into a museum with exhibits showing models of the Twin Towers before the explosion and details of the attack and at which points the towers were hit....And finally a chapel of rememberance with the names of all those killed engraved on the walls, something like the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor


This is an extract from an interview with the site developer:


"Why was the site's proximity to Ground Zero considered a "selling point"? What other locations in lower Manhattan, if any, were considered that could serve the same purpose?


We are not at Ground Zero. In fact we’re as close to City Hall as we are to Ground Zero. Lower Manhattan is pretty small. You can’t see Ground Zero from our current building and on completion of our planned building some years from now, there won’t be any views of the Ground Zero memorial from the building. To honor those who were killed on September 11th, we have planned for a public memorial within our future facility as well as reflection space open to all.


Let me tell you a little bit about the history of this project. We’d been looking for at least seven years to find a space to accommodate the growing population of Muslims in lower Manhattan. We found this site in January of 2006 and getting to the finish line and acquiring the real estate was proof that persistence pays off. We had also been eager to contribute to the revitalization of lower Manhattan, in part because this is our area of business and also because as New Yorkers we wanted to give back to our city and help make it a better place to live.


Prior to purchasing our current facility at 45 Park Place, there were two mosques in lower Manhattan, although Park51 is not affiliated with either of these mosques. One was Masjid Farah, which could fit a maximum of approximately 65 people, and had to hold three or four separate prayer services on Fridays just to fit the crowds. "



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Biff bap bip .... A lot of tooing and froing on here. Why bother? Nobody is ever going to change anyones' opinions.


Maybe not, but at least let those opinions be based on something of substance rather than just a knee jerk.

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There was an article in the New York times that has since been removed, that stated the planned opening of the Super Mosque is to be Sept 11th 2011 :(


I'm sure they'll give that a good try just to be arrogant, but I doubt people will let that happen... NY Times must have slipped up printing the truth for once :suspect: someones going to get fiired :hihi:

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I'm sure they'll give that a good try just to be arrogant, but I doubt people will let that happen... NY Times must have slipped up printing the truth for once :suspect: someones going to get fiired :hihi:


Do you ever read what anyone else actually posts on here:


I saw it too the last time this subject was discussed here and of course it turned out to be a malicious lie, conceived by people with a destructive agenda.
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