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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Sorry if this has been stated previously but the only church that was demolished in the 9/11 building colapse was a 4 story Greek Orthodox church.


As of yet, they have not been granted permission to rebuild !


They should be allowed to if the mosque is given the go ahead. There are far more New Yorkers of Greek descent than Muslims

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Sorry if this has been stated previously but the only church that was demolished in the 9/11 building colapse was a 4 story Greek Orthodox church.


As of yet, they have not been granted permission to rebuild !


Are they still awaiting a decision or have been denied permission?


"Yesterday I noted here that Greg Gutfeld has announced plans to open, in the spirit of tolerance, an Islamic gay bar next to the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero."


But now, as you can see above (thanks to Weasel Zippers), "Park 51" -- that's the fig-leaf name for the mega-mosque organizers, otherwise known as the Cordoba Initiative, recalling the good old days of Muslim Spain when dhimmi Jews and Christians knew their place, or else -- is complaining that Gutfeld's gay bar doesn't "consider the sensibilities of Muslims."


How's this for a Gotcha


An Islamic gay bar? Are you serious?

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;6595372']It would be even MORE divisive of him to favour one religion over another.... not to mention illegal. This has been twisted into extreme right wing propaganda by the far right media and you're gullible enough to fall for it... You'd do well to watch this piece from Kieth Olbermann that i linked earlier but obviously did not watch...




I have just watched that video. I saw you had linked to it and Graham's refusal to watch it the other day, but have only just got around to watching it. He makes his point well. His concern for the way US public opinion is being manipulated by extremists on this issue is a crucial point and something that goes well beyond this one example.


This article, I think complements that video explaining as it does the history of this issue and how Pamela Geller, a right-wing, viciously anti-Muslim, conspiracy-mongering blogger and her friends on the far right right have managed to spread their distortions over the US media.




How the media have turned from Laura Ingraham, co-hosting the O'Reilly factor on Fox News saying "I can't find many people who really have a problem with it," adding at the end of the interview, "I like what you're trying to do."


To Glenn Beck Attacking Obama For Being “In Lockstep” With Hamas For Supporting Ground Zero Mosque, Then Exhorts People Of Faith To Stand Together.




As the article above points out, why is Obama picked out as being "Lockstep" with Hamas, when former senior Bush aide, chief speechwriter Michael Gerson, told POLITICO last night that he supports Obama's decision.


"An enormously complex and emotional issue -- but ultimately the right thing to do," Gerson said. "A president is president for every citizen, including every Muslim citizen. Obama is correct that the way to marginalize radicalism is to respect the best traditions of Islam and protect the religious liberty of Muslim Americans. It is radicals who imagine an American war on Islam. But our conflict is with the radicals alone."




Fortunately people of faith are standing together on this issue.


More than 40 prominent Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders and religion scholars issued a statement today condemning the "xenophobia and religious bigotry" fueling the increasingly strident opposition to a proposed Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero. These leaders from New York City and across the country are specifically challenging the divisive rhetoric of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, who have strongly opposed a center that will promote interfaith relations, combat extremism, and offer community programs for Americans of all religious backgrounds.


"It's simply wrong for Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin to malign all Muslims by comparing this cultural center and mosque with a radical ideology that led to the horrific attacks of 9-11," said Sister Simone Campbell, Executive Director of NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby. "We fail to honor those killed by terrorists when we betray the bedrock principle of religious freedom that has guided our democracy for centuries."




The sad thing is that the extremists appear to be winning in the US.


What a terrible and insulting tribute to those that died in 9/11, and those soldiers that fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan to promote freedom and liberty, that they should be being used by religious and racist extremists at home to undermine the very principles on which the united states was founded and principles of which it should rightly be proud.

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Are they still awaiting a decision or have been denied permission?



I understand they were talking but it got taken off the table. (for now perhaps)



An Islamic gay bar? Are you serious?


I understand it's rampant (pun intended)

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I have just watched that video. I saw you had linked to it and Graham's refusal to watch it the other day, but have only just got around to watching it. He makes his point well. His concern for the way US public opinion is being manipulated by extremists on this issue is a crucial point and something that goes well beyond this one example.


This article, I think complements that video explaining as it does the history of this issue and how Pamela Geller, a right-wing, viciously anti-Muslim, conspiracy-mongering blogger and her friends on the far right right have managed to spread their distortions over the US media.




How the media have turned from Laura Ingraham, co-hosting the O'Reilly factor on Fox News saying "I can't find many people who really have a problem with it," adding at the end of the interview, "I like what you're trying to do."


To Glenn Beck Attacking Obama For Being “In Lockstep” With Hamas For Supporting Ground Zero Mosque, Then Exhorts People Of Faith To Stand Together.




As the article above points out, why is Obama picked out as being "Lockstep" with Hamas, when former senior Bush aide, chief speechwriter Michael Gerson, told POLITICO last night that he supports Obama's decision.


"An enormously complex and emotional issue -- but ultimately the right thing to do," Gerson said. "A president is president for every citizen, including every Muslim citizen. Obama is correct that the way to marginalize radicalism is to respect the best traditions of Islam and protect the religious liberty of Muslim Americans. It is radicals who imagine an American war on Islam. But our conflict is with the radicals alone."




Fortunately people of faith are standing together on this issue.






The sad thing is that the extremists appear to be winning in the US.


What a terrible and insulting tribute to those that died in 9/11, and those soldiers that fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan to promote freedom and liberty, that they should be being used by religious and racist extremists at home to undermine the very principles on which the united states was founded and principles of which it should rightly be proud.




This is not about the right for anyone to practice their freedom of religious choice. There are ove 200 mosques in New York for God's sake. I think the debate is:- Why do they need another one, Why do they want it at ground Zero, Why so big etc etc.


I repeat. It is purely symbolic :rant:

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Tony, Tony, Tony. "just a bunch of people wanting to pray to their god" don't have $100 million in cash lying around

They havent raised a penny of the dough they need to build it usuk, I posted a link to a statement from the developer earlier

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Why do they need another one, Why do they want it at ground Zero, Why so big etc

Why should they not have another one? There is no limit on the number of buildings a religion can have. To follow, it is not "at" ground zero, it is near.


If the problem is that the building is only two blocks away, i'd say the problem doesn't exist. It could be three blocks away and the same people would still not want it for the same empty reasons. Four blocks away, does everyone say "that's fine, okay. Build away my friends"? The resentment resting on this building is based on the fact that it is being built by Muslims.

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Why should they not have another one? There is no limit on the number of buildings a religion can have. To follow, it is not "at" ground zero, it is near.


If the problem is that the building is only two blocks away, i'd say the problem doesn't exist. It could be three blocks away and the same people would still not want it for the same empty reasons. Four blocks away, does everyone say "that's fine, okay. Build away my friends"? The resentment resting on this building is based on the fact that it is being built by Muslims.



The point I am trying to make is that people on here are arguing for the right to worship whoever you want and that is not the issue. No one is denying anyone that right.


Just opposing the victory tower at GZ.

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