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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Why should they not have another one? There is no limit on the number of buildings a religion can have. To follow, it is not "at" ground zero, it is near.


If the problem is that the building is only two blocks away, i'd say the problem doesn't exist. It could be three blocks away and the same people would still not want it for the same empty reasons. Four blocks away, does everyone say "that's fine, okay. Build away my friends"? The resentment resting on this building is based on the fact that it is being built by Muslims.



And "near" is Ground Zero. Including part of the engine embedded in the old building

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The point I am trying to make is that people on here are arguing for the right to worship whoever you want and that is not the issue. No one is denying anyone that right.

I agree with you in a way, they still have the right to worship. The sad fact is that opposing them the right to build on private land is step 1 in opposing their right to worship. The message is "you can be free to worship if we want you to". The main point for this community centre is that society has no right to stop them, because by doing so it goes against the very ideas of freedom. A freedom people are going to fight for.


Just opposing the victory tower at GZ.

A very loaded and propagandized term. The only way the new community centre would be a "victory tower" is if the people building it supported the terrorists, which is obviously crap.

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I agree with you in a way, they still have the right to worship. The sad fact is that opposing them the right to build on private land is step 1 in opposing their right to worship. The message is "you can be free to worship if we want you to". The main point for this community centre is that society has no right to stop them, because by doing so it goes against the very ideas of freedom. A freedom people are going to fight for.



A very loaded and propagandized term. The only way the new community centre would be a "victory tower" is if the people building it supported the terrorists, which is obviously crap.


Disagree. The people building do have devious motives IMO.


These are the words of the man who is behind building it:-


"Speaking from his New York mosque, Imam Feisal said the West had to understand the terrorists' point of view.


In a move likely to cause controversy with church leaders, Imam Feisal said it was Christians who started mass attacks on civilians."


Sounds like he is supporting the Terrorists to me.


Also I understand that he is refusing to divulge the source of funding for the Victory Tower

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This is not about the right for anyone to practice their freedom of religious choice. There are ove 200 mosques in New York for God's sake. I think the debate is:- Why do they need another one, Why do they want it at ground Zero, Why so big etc etc.


I repeat. It is purely symbolic :rant:


It isn't at Ground Zero. In fact there is one much closer, that predates the world trade centre which is overcrowded.


The location was no doubt chosen because it was cheap less than $5million.


Why not so big? 13 Stories in Manhattan is hardly remarkable.


What the reaction to this complex symbolises is the mean minded prejudice and betrayal of the US Constitutional rights to freedom and liberty from persecution.

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So will anything be achieved if the mosque is built other than the Cordoba Institute getting their wish granted? I doubt it and the whole epsisode will leave only a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths .


If the purpose of reconcilation and understanding was part of the objective it wont work.


Every soldier who comes home from Iraq or Afhanistan in a coffin or with his arms or legs blown off by an IED will only further the cause of alienation towards things Muslim. Every news item depicting the abuse and cruelty towards women and tolerated by those in power will add to it


Every extremist Islamist cleric who spouts his hatred of the west to his own congregation and those in the congregation who follow his teachings and resort to martydom and terrorism as a result will only cause even further damage to the Muslim religion


There is a sickness within the Muslin religion and it has to be recognized as such and this sickness like a nasty contagion has spread to the western world affecting Muslim and non-Muslim alike


Until moderate Muslims decide to take matters into their own hands and get rid of the hate mongering extremists amongst them there can be no hope for reconciliation or understanding amongst the majority in the non-Muslim world and the suspicions will always remain


Two news items this week give me further cause for pessimism. The first being the request by the Iraqi PM to continue the presence of US troops in that country until 2020 on the grounds that he does not believe the Iraqi security forces will be fully trained and ready until that time


The second was a declaration by someone in the administration that the war in Afganistan will go on for years. What more hatred and destruction will be incurred on both sides in a war that has already become pointless?


The Taleban wont be defeated because they have too many followers already and our so called ally Pakistan have made it clear that they are prepared to tolerate their presence both in their country and in Afganistan also


Without true allies and their support no such war can ever be won

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It isn't at Ground Zero. In fact there is one much closer, that predates the world trade centre which is overcrowded.


The location was no doubt chosen because it was cheap less than $5million.


Why not so big? 13 Stories in Manhattan is hardly remarkable.


What the reaction to this complex symbolises is the mean minded prejudice and betrayal of the US Constitutional rights to freedom and liberty from persecution.



Would you guy's knock the crap off about it not being at Ground Zero :rant:


That's like saying the A Bomb didn't hit Hiroshima, it was 1,900 feet away.


So please take that argument off the table

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It isn't at Ground Zero. In fact there is one much closer, that predates the world trade centre which is overcrowded.


The location was no doubt chosen because it was cheap less than $5million.


Why not so big? 13 Stories in Manhattan is hardly remarkable.


What the reaction to this complex symbolises is the mean minded prejudice and betrayal of the US Constitutional rights to freedom and liberty from persecution.



I think in all honesty the reaction is primarily in regards to the apparant total lack of Common Sense by the NYC council.


It should never have got to this stage based on common sense alone.



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These are the words of the man who is behind building it:-


[...] Sounds like he is supporting the Terrorists to me.


These are the words of the organisation proposing to build it. (Source) FAQ


Isn’t this insensitive given that the 9/11 attackers were Muslims?


The events of 9/11 were horrific. What happened that day was terrorism, and it shames us that it was cloaked in the guise of Islam. It was inhumane, un-Islamic and is indefensible regardless of one’s religious persuasion. Not only Americans but also all Muslims are threatened by the lies and actions being perpetrated by these self-serving extremists and their perverted view of Islam.


The community center will be a platform to amplify the voices of the overwhelming majority of Muslims whose love for America and commitment to peace gets drowned out by the actions of a few extremists. It will become a platform where the voices of those who resist religious extremism and terrorism can be amplified and celebrated.


Doesn't sound like they are supporting terrorists to me.

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