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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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The Muslims, like The Beatles and The Wombles. A small group that are easy to define. ;)


To be a little more exact, one would think society has a whole could seperate the difference between terrorism and religious belief. Not all catholics were in the IRA, and not all muslims fly planes into towers. It is not a complex idea.


But Catholics get the blame for what the priests did.

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The Muslims, like The Beatles and The Wombles. A small group that are easy to define. ;)


To be a little more exact, one would think society has a whole could seperate the difference between terrorism and religious belief. Not all catholics were in the IRA, and not all muslims fly planes into towers. It is not a complex idea.


None of that matters. Shouldn't the Muslims of Manhatten show some tolerance towards the undeminishing grief felt by many New Yorkers. Can they not understand it? Can they not see how it may offend? Even if there is no reason why the should not have the Mosque there, they could be a little magnanimous and agree to be a little further away. It looks like their intollerance towards an already grieving populus will win the day.

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It's no good holding up Fox News and Rush Limbaugh as counter arguments.


Their followers are NOT blowing up people or even verbally encouraging them to. Cant you see the disparity?


The people wanting this mosque aren't. :loopy:


Are you really so blind as to not see where the hate is coming from?

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None of that matters. Shouldn't the Muslims of Manhatten show some tolerance towards the undeminishing grief felt by many New Yorkers. Can they not understand it? Can they not see how it may offend? Even if there is no reason why the should not have the Mosque there, they could be a little magnanimous and agree to be a little further away. It looks like their intollerance towards an already grieving populus will win the day.


You mean people like these?


New York, NY, Aug. 14 -- September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows applauds President Barack Obama for his statement in support of the building of a mosque near Ground Zero. On that day, members of our organization paid the ultimate price. We lost loved ones in the tragic attacks, attacks perpetrated by criminals. Our losses will never be redeemed; our wounds will never fully heal. On 9/11/2001 while many of us buried our loved ones we also took heart in our nation's principles and our rule of law. Ours is a nation that fights for religious freedom. Many of us who call ourselves Americans do so because we came to escape religious persecution in other lands.


We applaud President Obama for his leadership on this issue. Simply put:

we lost our family members on 9/11/2001, but will not lose our nation, too. America, the concept and the people and the land thrive when we chose to trust in our principles rather than cave to our basest fears.


What better place for healing, reconciliation and understanding than Ground Zero? We honor our family members by practicing American principles and moving forward from Ground Zero to a future of peaceful coexist



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Yes. Understand this is nothing to do with Muslims of Manhatten being good Muslims or bad Muslims. Remove that out of the argument and consider the families of all those who died, not withstanding some of those are Muslims too.

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Maybe not directly. But the billions of dollars worth of weapons that armed the Afghani people undoubtably were used to arm those that would end up in Al Qaeda and the Taliban.


what's that got to do with anything. The arms also will have ended up with a lot of other people that didn't have anything to do with the Taliban and Al Quieda. And plenty stayed with ex mujihadeen that were bitterly opposed to them, and tried to use those arms to do it.


the point is the arms helped to achieve what they were intended to do - get the Russians the out of Afghanistan, and help to destroy and destablise the godawful Soviet Union, which it did. If you think anything the Americans have done in Afghanistan is bad, you need to take on board how much worse the Russians were. They didn't even bother to pretend to show any respect for Afghans as Muslims. Do you think the godless Communist barbarians dished out copies of the Koran to their Afghan prisoners, or that there would have been any debate about any mosque getting constructed in Moscow during the Cold War era? Communists are quick to demand the 'right' of religous freedom in the United States under the first Amendment when they sense an advantage for themselves, but of course in their ideal Communist 'utopia', the notion of religous freedom - for anybody - is always ruthlessly repressed.

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Yes. Understand this is nothing to do with Muslims of Manhatten being good Muslims or bad Muslims. Remove that out of the argument and consider the families of all those who died, not withstanding some of those are Muslims too.




Why should they and their values and freedoms be betrayed?

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Why should they and their values and freedoms be betrayed?


At the end of the day New Yorkers will have to decide what's more important to them. Respect for the relatives and what they want, or the constitution. I'll support whichever way New Yorkers go.


Answer me this though. Why cannot they be tollerant and understanding of the grief and opposition to it? Why must they insist on having it there?

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