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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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So you finally admit that both you communists and your current chums the islamists are both totally inept at governing any society anywhere?


Hurrah for self knowledge! Have a bun!


Finally :huh:


I am not a communist, and never have said they or Islamists are adept at running anything.

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Finally :huh:


I am not a communist, and never have said they or Islamists are adept at running anything.


Well given than you come across as both a communist by nature and an islamist appologist by dint of your endless islamist appologist posts if you claim you are neither what are you?

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Just Debra Burlingame and her 9/11 families.






Victims of having an otherwise mundane planning permission for a community centre designed for the purposes of social cohesion railed about by right wing news pundits as some sort of support for Hamas... you know that sort of victimisation.




As for people grieving for their dead..... as I have already shown muslims were killed in 9/11 and one of the 3 big groups representing victims of 9/11 support it.


Some victims families may well oppose it. So what? Why should they dictate how others see fit to grieve? why should an argument based on religious intolerance be used to divide a community that has already suffered so much.


You are being disinginuous.


How do you know victims families and even survivers themselves are being whipped up by extremists? You admit yourself by posting a link that they distance themselves from that Burlingame woman. Surely you can't think all the New Yorkers opposed to it are unthinking people that have so easily been whipped up against it? If so you have a very low opinion of them. Don't you think many of them might have come to oppose it of their own free mind, without coersion from that woman or other groups?


The Hamas comment was made about Obama, not about the Muslims attending that Islamic Centre.


What about the other two big groups representing victims? Do they support it?


My bold - so easy to say "so what" here in Sheffield when 3000+ people didn't die on your doorstep. That alone shows how ignorant you are Wildcat.


You want everybody to think any opposition to it is all just racist and illegitimate. Your favourite leftist websites that you keep linking to tell you that and you propogate it, and it only exposes your own intollerances.

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Finally :huh:


I am not a communist, and never have said they or Islamists are adept at running anything.


Your arguments merely expose you for what you really are. A person who would suppress any freedom of speech if it didnt coincide with your own beliefs or offended you.


You have no idea what democracy is or how it works. I thought Sheffielders still had some sense of what the word is and what it means

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You are being disinginuous.


How do you know victims families and even survivers themselves are being whipped up by extremists? You admit yourself by posting a link that they distance themselves from that Burlingame woman. Surely you can't think all the New Yorkers opposed to it are unthinking people that have so easily been whipped up against it? If so you have a very low opinion of them. Don't you think many of them might have come to oppose it of their own free mind, without coersion from that woman or other groups?


The Hamas comment was made about Obama, not about the Muslims attending that Islamic Centre.


What about the other two big groups representing victims? Do they support it?


My bold - so easy to say "so what" here in Sheffield when 3000+ people didn't die on your doorstep. That alone shows how ignorant you are Wildcat.


You want everybody to think any opposition to it is all just racist and illegitimate. Your favourite leftist websites that you keep linking to tell you that and you propogate it, and it only exposes your own intollerances.


Read for yourself the history:



As for the rest of your post.... what reason is there for opposing a community centre here: GoogleMaps Link


The only argument with any justification I have seen that isn't explicitly fearmongering hatred against muslims that equates them with Al Qaeda is that it might offend some victims families...


But what about the Victims that want it? I have already given plenty of references to those that do.


Also why don't those families want it? what legitimate reason can they have for opposing it that isn't based on an irrational fear of muslims that equates them with terrorism?


Hmmm..... any answers to that? because so far I haven't heard any.


The facts of the matter are that US values of freedom and liberty are being subverted by the religious Christian right.


The American Families Association emboldened by this is even now calling for a ban on all Mosques in the USA (unless they renounce the Koran).


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Dont send me links to Debra Burlingame. I dont care what she spouts off and not interested . i have no time for such people.


I dare say the Muslim community is innocent but from my detached observation there will be many who regard them with a lot of suspicion nevertheless and associate them with all the negative things they hear on the news. I am pointing out what and how people seem to think and this has to be realized

Where do people dig up these links from? I've never

heard of this woman. I read a little of it and figured it wasn't worth my time. I'm a little surprised at Wildcat about this, though he does use an awful lot of links.

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Your arguments merely expose you for what you really are. A person who would suppress any freedom of speech if it didnt coincide with your own beliefs or offended you.


You have no idea what democracy is or how it works. I thought Sheffielders still had some sense of what the word is and what it means


If you want to see someone opposing freedoms and persecuting minority groups then have a look at the American Families Association..




If you want to see someone opposing freedom of religion, look to yourself and your own motives for arguing against this community centre.


When you can show even a rudimentary understanding of the basic freedoms and rights required for a democracy, then your opinions on democracy might have some merit.


Reflect on Pastor Martin Niemöller's words. Because you are no democrat and you are no patriot. The US has a Constitution that protects minorities from persecution for a reason.

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Well given than you come across as both a communist by nature and an islamist appologist by dint of your endless islamist appologist posts if you claim you are neither what are you?


A socialist, an atheist and an advocate for human rights.

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If you want to see someone opposing freedoms and persecuting minority groups then have a look at the American Families Association..




If you want to see someone opposing freedom of religion, look to yourself and your own motives for arguing against this community centre.


When you can show even a rudimentary understanding of the basic freedoms and rights required for a democracy, then your opinions on democracy might have some merit.


Reflect on Pastor Martin Niemöller's words. Because you are no democrat and you are no patriot. The US has a Constitution that protects minorities from persecution for a reason.


Who do you think you are?


You're talking to an American guest on here. Your dreary commy tripe is boring for us sheffielders but to insult a guest and tell him he is no patriot is a bloody disgrace.


You need a health warning on hear that you speak for nobody but your deranged communist self lest people think you speak for sheffield folk.

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