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Let's all read the Quran together

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No, you explain it, you posted it.


I don't see what's wrong with what I put, almost all religions don't approve of gay people.


There are those of us who take great exception to being called Gay which is what you did. If I have to explain my other comments then it just shows how standards and times have changed. :sad:

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There are those of us who take great exception to being called Gay which is what you did. If I have to explain my other comments then it just shows how standards and times have changed. :sad:


Why? Is being called 'gay' an insult? I must have missed Bulgarian making this terrible slur. His use of the term 'you're' was not you personally - it was if 'one' is gay.

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There are those of us who take great exception to being called Gay which is what you did. If I have to explain my other comments then it just shows how standards and times have changed. :sad:


a) I wasn't talking to you personally

b) Being called "gay" isn't a huge insult unless you think there is something wrong with being gay

c) The last part of your post made no sense at all

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a) I wasn't talking to you personally


Then why did you attach your Gay comment to my post?


b) Being called "gay" isn't a huge insult unless you think there is something wrong with being gay


I have no objections to people being what is called "Gay" these days. In my younger days "Gay" implied happy and joyful not homosexual.


c) The last part of your post made no sense at all


It is obviously an age difference. If you had been in the forces my comments would have made some sense to you. As it is they have fallen on deaf ears.



It is clear that differences in age and vocabulary as well as idiomatic terms have altered the way people react to one another.

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I was replying to your post, not you.


I think relying on people being your age and having been in the forces before they can understand what you're on about isn't the best way to get your opinion out there ?

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Are you serious?




Yes, let's kill the children and the animals (even Hitler, Stalin and Mao drew the line at slaughtering donkeys for ideological reasons :rolleyes:).




God giving the divine thumbs up to mass slaughter yet again.






Yep, let's kill the non-believers. That'll teach 'em.




Did I mention kill the unbelievers yet?




Yep, let's all bow down and worship the hate-filled, genocidal, child killing Almighty God (he might kill you if you don't y'know).


More examples?


Sodom and Gomorrah? Entire towns wiped out because a genocidal God finds fault with his own creations (but surely, if a perfect God can make mistakes, what happens to the concept of omniscience?)


The Flood? All life on earth wiped out bar selected "true believers", again by a supposedly perfect God who has somehow cocked things up (again).


Have you ever actually read the Bible (skim reading doesn't count I'm afraid, nor does watching The Ten Commandments and Ben Hur at Easter).

Yes but you see all that was before the truth came out and the Old Testament jews were partialy associated with Islam.

Christianity was born which saw the split from Judism/Judislam and Jesus rejected stoning whereras the muslims still practice this barbarity and even their holy book the koran tells muslims how to beat their wives.

Stoning, Wife beating, some religion of peace.

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