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Acceptable Racism?

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Im sorry but what has the prison population and its % of non whites got to do with this thread?

Unless, ahhhh i see now. Is this a round about way of suggesting the justice system is racist?

If it is then just start another thread about that. Id love to contribute.



Maybe boyfriday is responding to this point:


Maybe not.

Maybe its more down to the way as a minority they are pandered to and arent held accoutnable for their actions.

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No, that isn't what I meant......


LOL - I don't know why you even bother to try and explain yourself to these turnip-brained morlocks, but if you must keep trying you need to adopt a language they understand like.....



"There was loads of them darkies in the hot lesbian models prison" she said, "I ain't no racialist but they all wanted my boobs !"

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Whoa there Boyfriday & Tatman, before you both start tearing chunks off each other:P


I can see both side of this...

Boyfriday is right with his comments on prison population, one only has to look back to the 'suss' searches of the 70's where young black males were disproportionately subject to stop and search hassles from the police, thats not to say that whites/Asians etc arent subject to this, but ethnic identity does have to bear this burden.

I can also see where Tatman is coming from in the sense that he feels that apologists/PC etc tend to make matters worse sometimes, as opposed to direct discourse some folk pander around the houses instead of getting straight to the point. Thus the message that is sent out is.."You ARE in fact different and that is evidenced by the way I treat you differently"


Now you two kiss and make up now and play like nice boys...(No homophobic pun intended!!! lol )

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He did.


It's not his fault you didn't or couldn't understand what he was saying.


Whoa there Boyfriday & Tatman, before you both start tearing chunks off each other:P


Now you two kiss and make up now and play like nice boys...(No homophobic pun intended!!! lol )


Thanks JFK/Cozmo, I suspect we've crossed swords with Tatman before, in another life, which is why he/she is being deliberately provocative..either that or he/she is exceedingly stupid, most probably a combination of both ;)

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