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How do you like your nails?

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how do you like your nails ?

real or fake?

long or short ?

fancy or plain ?


i am intrested in people's views on nails and nail art in general .Myself i have long nails in a lipstick shape and always have fancy nail art on them .


by the way my nails are real !!

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I have square nails with acrylic on them. I often have nail art because I think they look lovely but sometimes opt for plain old white tips. They're my own nails and I have them quite short as it effects my typing if the get too long. I have acrylic on them because they are really soft and bendy. I have them done every 4 weeks or so at Serenity Nails on Division Street.

I prefer to have black tips with a nice bright design as I find that the white goes yellow after a week or so!! x

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I love nail art & went through a phase when I was having them done every other week, crazy I know. My nails are in good condition & I just opt for a nice lick of paint when it suits me. Mine are real & kind of longish.

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I like to keep my real nails the nails on my left hand must always be short because i play the guitar, and the ones on my right don't much matter but i generally keep them short because it hurts like buggery when you damage them rock climbing.

I once bent my left thumb nail in half while snowboarding and that was a trifle uncomfortable especially when i bent it back, though maybe the swirly black look would have appealed to a nail artist:D,

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When I was working I started off with extensions and then had them silk wrapped as my nails got longer underneath. I kept them relatively short (about 5mm past the end of my fingers) and quite square and had either a french polish or a selection of colours. I typed, managed my contact lenses and swam 4 times a week with no problems with long nails.


However, when I stopped work through ill health and couldn't afford the upkeep of about £40 a month on my nails I had all the wrapping removed and my nails and nail beds were in a dreadful state underneath. My nails had thinned to the point that they were constantly sore and were so flimsy that they couldn't grow out at all, which meant that the end of my fingers were seriously painful for months.


It took about 6 months for all the flaws on the nail bed to grow out but it took well over a year before my nails thickened up enough to have any white nail visible at all. During this time no amount of nail polish, hardener or strengthener worked so it was just a case of waiting for them to thicken naturally.


These days I've got to the point where they do grow a few millimetres but they're still short and I choose not to muck about with them too much because they're still so flexible that nail polish rarely lasts longer than a day, so they're kept quite short and neat and natural.


If I had the money to go back to having pretty nails I would hesitate before having any extensions or wrapping because of the damage to my nail beds from the last time and would prefer to find something that helped my own natural nails to be stronger.

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