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Spelling mistakes

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It's not the spelling that gets to me as much as the people that post one huge paragraph with no full stops or capitals, or they put several .... after each lump of information.


The rules are quite simple, capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a full-stop at the end.


I agree, I find those posts impossible to read, so seldom bother. They're just too hard on the eye. I've never understood the whole suspension points craze, when did they take over commas or full stops? I only ever use them to indicate that a sentence is incomplete.

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personal opinion is that to many people make a huge deal out of spelling errors, and a few far from making a 'big deal' are just plain rude and nasty.


granted the text speek is a nightmare as unless your use to it it's bound to come accross as a rambling mess.


my spellings and grammor is terrible and i know it is but with a mixture of dyslexia, mental health condition, leaving school a year and half early and missing a total of 2 years of schooling from age 8-10 years its hardly a surprise. i have no nerves in my left little finger either so its unlikly to see a capital letter from me either as its very uncomfortable moving from the typing position each time as the finger that should work the key doesn't work!


a few people in the past have been discustingly rude and down right nasty to me over my spellings and it is hurtfull. although granted they were mostly trolls that seemed to disapear anyway.


if it was a job and spellings was causing a problem the employer would have the right to raise the issue as after all there paying them, but its not a paid position is a social site for people of all walks of life with many grades of education.

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Just had a thought while looking through threads, even with spellchecker available, how many posts there are with wrongly spelt words. Why is this?


You say "even with spellchecker available", but you have to have ieSpell installed on your computer for it, which i for one can't be bothered to do.

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I've just seen the following profile on a dating site, makes you wonder what they are teaching :)



single mum with 2 boys aged 15 an 14


just started goin out again now they older feel like ive done my bit lol


enjoy drawing an making jewellery


just done a years course at college in text word processing


still waiting for my results though


an i love the colour PINK haha


lookin for friendship first an then whatever follows


i believe you meet the right one when you not looking

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Eye halve a spelling chequer

It came with my pea sea

It plainly marques four my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.


Eye strike a key and type a word

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait a weigh.


As soon as a mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the error rite

Its rare lea ever wrong.


Eye have run this poem threw it

I am shore your pleased two no

It's letter perfect awl the weigh

My chequer tolled me so.



this is really good

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I've just seen the following profile on a dating site, makes you wonder what they are teaching :)



single mum with 2 boys aged 15 an 14


just started goin out again now they older feel like ive done my bit lol


enjoy drawing an making jewellery


just done a years course at college in text word processing


still waiting for my results though


an i love the colour PINK haha


lookin for friendship first an then whatever follows


i believe you meet the right one when you not looking


I think we know the outcome of her years course and the results

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