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Spelling mistakes

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I've just seen the following profile on a dating site, makes you wonder what they are teaching :)



single mum with 2 boys aged 15 an 14


just started goin out again now they older feel like ive done my bit lol


enjoy drawing an making jewellery


just done a years course at college in text word processing


still waiting for my results though


an i love the colour PINK haha


lookin for friendship first an then whatever follows


i believe you meet the right one when you not looking


Bold - Rather than spelling mistakes, isn't that the key mistake, yet also ironic thing to write on a dating site? :suspect:

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I've also noticed people using the word spelt. Shouldn't it be spelled? There's also learnt and learned. Is not 'ed' past tense not 't' or is this something else I have got wrong? There's another one - past and passed.


Thanks Jakerake for your suggestion on overcoming my problems with apostrophes.

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Us oldies had spelling tests every day at school. Although it didn't mean we could all spell perfectly, it improved the general standard. By the time my kids went to school in the mid 70s, old fashioned spelling tests were no longer part of the curriculum. I don't know if they have ever been reintroduced.


IMO there's a world of difference between reading a post with a few typos and a whole heap of misspelt words without punctuation. :roll: But I don't necessarily think we should criticise individual posters, there may be genuine reasons for their poor levels of literacy.


Perhaps it depended on the school, but I'm 21 and we certainly had spelling tests every day. I'm not sure what the case is these days though.

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I'm a prime suspect at both spelling and grammar, but do i care nope...

I think Ive been pulled about 10 times in 4 years so twice and a bit a year is OK LMAO...

The sounder people on here tend to be the ones who are not bothered about stuff like that id say the thicker person is the one who can't read a sentence with a couple of commas missing.

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Yet you missed the fullstop at the end of your post:D.


Nope, it was under the :gag:. :D


I'm a prime suspect at both spelling and grammar, but do i care nope...

I think Ive been pulled about 10 times in 4 years so twice and a bit a year is OK LMAO...

The sounder people on here tend to be the ones who are not bothered about stuff like that id say the thicker person is the one who can't read a sentence with a couple of commas missing.


Yes I usually know what others are meaning even if it's not word-perfect. I often get emails from my Japanese daughter-in-law and find some of her "mistakes" very endearing. My son would correct them but I've asked him not to.....not to me anyway.;)

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