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Another Sheffield MP on the Tory payroll ?

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Press reports suggest that David Blunkett is to be given a job with the Tory think tank set up by Iain Duncan Smith to tackle benefits abuse.


As with Alan Milburn does he think he can achieve under Tory rule what he was tasked with but failed to achieve as a Labour Cabinet Minister ?


Any day now I expect to hear that Lord Prescott has died of an apoplectic fit :hihi:

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Well aware of Frank Field's politics and he's a different creature entirely to Blunkett, traditionally a pit-bull tribal politician who I would expect to be the last to compromise his position in opposition.


At this rate there won't be an effective opposition - they'll all be working for the coalition :D

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Press reports suggest that David Blunkett is to be given a job with the Tory think tank set up by Iain Duncan Smith to tackle benefits abuse.


As with Alan Milburn does he think he can achieve under Tory rule what he was tasked with but failed to achieve as a Labour Cabinet Minister ?


Any day now I expect to hear that Lord Prescott has died of an apoplectic fit :hihi:


Perhaps not everyone who watched as the Labour Government bankrupted the country wants to see that process continue.Some Labour MPs actually want to see the country prosper rather than hope we go down further down the tubes so that they can crow about it at the next election.


By the way, I know it suits your agenda but these MPs won't be on the Tory payroll as you claim. These are government posts that are funded out of general taxation.

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I'm quite pleased by the prospect of government that is more interested in talent and improving the lot of the nation than it is in making ideological stance and gabbling incoherently on Twitter about 'conspirators'. (Yay, way to go Basher Prescott)


From a political perspective it's rather smart to incorporate the best of the opposition in your plans. Military historians from the Greeks onwards quickly realised this.

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From a political perspective it's rather smart to incorporate the best of the opposition in your plans. Military historians from the Greeks onwards quickly realised this.


I would very strongly dispute the assertion that David Blunkett respresents the best of the Labour party.

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Press reports suggest that David Blunkett is to be given a job with the Tory think tank set up by Iain Duncan Smith to tackle benefits abuse.


As with Alan Milburn does he think he can achieve under Tory rule what he was tasked with but failed to achieve as a Labour Cabinet Minister ?


Any day now I expect to hear that Lord Prescott has died of an apoplectic fit :hihi:



It is interesting that you think David Blunkett and Alan Milburn have somehow sold out by trying to be of service to their country. The only person that you mentioned who clearly has sold out is 2 shjags Prescott who accepted a seat in the Lords after decrying the place for his entire career.

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I would very strongly dispute the assertion that David Blunkett respresents the best of the Labour party.


You'll note that I carefully made no comment on the quality of the candidates, just the theory behind it.


Generally, I suspect that most of us are pretty fed up of tribal politics when all we want is the roads mending and the teachers paying. It doesn't matter who is running the place so long as they are damned good at it and they do it invisibly for minimal cost.


Nobody apart from people like Prescott gives a cuss if he thinks that they are 'collaborators'. That's a feeble comment from a feeble mind.


Maybe it is time for the No Allegiance Party?

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