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Another Sheffield MP on the Tory payroll ?

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I'm pleased at these cross party collaborations and even though I'm a Tory have a lot of respect for Frank and what he does.


Frank Field is one of the few MPs of any party that I have any time for these days.


Yes, it's odd to see Labour MPs getting involved but remember, it is a coalition government, and one governing during the start of The Greater Depression (cos it's already outgrown the title "Great Depression 2").


Just as we had a coalition during the greatest wartime emergency of the past 100 years (WWII), we've got a coalition during the greatest peacetime emergency we'll ever know.


Think I'm exaggerating? Well, time will reveal all.

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Well aware of Frank Field's politics and he's a different creature entirely to Blunkett, traditionally a pit-bull tribal politician who I would expect to be the last to compromise his position in opposition.


At this rate there won't be an effective opposition - they'll all be working for the coalition :D


Oh, are they not, then? ;)

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So we should only reply to threads about things we agree with then?



Is there somebody from the Labour benches that you would like to see contributing to the Coalition in some way?


Alastair Darling comes to mind for me, especially without the shackles of his previous power crazed and unstable lunatic Friend boss.

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Is there somebody from the Labour benches that you would like to see contributing to the Coalition in some way?


Alastair Darling comes to mind for me, especially without the shackles of his previous power crazed and unstable lunatic Friend boss.


Actually yes, but people like John Cruddas who probably won't be wanted by the coalition. I'm not a fan of the Blairite wing of the Labour party.

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It is interesting that you think David Blunkett and Alan Milburn have somehow sold out by trying to be of service to their country. The only person that you mentioned who clearly has sold out is 2 shjags Prescott who accepted a seat in the Lords after decrying the place for his entire career.


He did it for "her indoors," she's a Lady you know!

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I think the appointment of these Labour people is less to do with policy ideas & more to do with party politics.


If Cameron were truly interested in Milburn's ideas on social mobility, then he would have read the report Milburn produced a couple of years ago on it and implemented it's findings. What's in it for Milburn? His own social mobility and the perks that go with it I presume.


Don't know what thoughts Blunkett has to offer in terms of benefits abuse. Let's hope he suggests that the stinking rich who don't pay any tax start digging deep.

Mind you I won't hold my breath....


EDIT: Benefit fraud costs the nation £1.5 Billion pounds per year.

Tax Dodgers cost the nation £70 billion. This figure is from Tax Research. Link:


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Any day now I expect to hear that Lord Prescott has died of an apoplectic fit :hihi:


Not the Prescott who said he wanted to abolish the House of Lords, only to accept a peerage a few years later?


Maybe, you never know, the Labour party were full of hypocrites. Diane Abbot was and is one for sure with her attack on Tony Blair for sending his kids to private school only to follow suit a few years later.

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