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What can I do with old elastic bands dropped by the postman?

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I walk round collecting rubber bands, they re like little random presents. They are strung up all over the house (handy for diy fixes). Made a great present for my dad (Xmas and birthday) and generally hold stuff together.


What's not to like?


They used to be red from the the post office (I think it was to obvious, we could all tell who it was). Now they come in disguise.

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Hi, you know the red elastic bands the postman uses for his letters.... well I have saved them over the last couple of years at my place of work, purely because I wondered if there is anywhere that recycle them (like used stamps?) I didn't want to just dump them in the rubbish!! There has to be a couple of hundred if not more.... Does anyone have a use for them or know of anywhere I could send them for recycling?? Cheers


Make one of these.

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Give them to your local political activist who will use them for bundling leaflets. As rubber bands have to be paid for by said activist they will welcome them plus it's recycling albeit on a small scale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for a giggle someone round here has been collecting rubber bands. Wasn't me I hasten to add!


Anyway they filled, and I mean rammed full the post box that the posties use to stash mail for delivery. Not the one that the public drop letters in, but they have one that a van dumps sacks of mail in, and then the village postie comes, collects bags and does his rounds.


So he opened it this morning and there were kilos of compressed pink rubber ejected at speed, along with a note saying pick your litter up.

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