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Tony Blair to donate his book advance to injured soldiers

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im not even going to comment on the last post because obviously you dont think sensibly.

To put Blair and huntley in the same thought you are a very sick man and obviously disturbed!



You're right, it is a poor comparison. Huntley only killed two innocent people, Blair killed thousands.

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yes but Huntley took two small girls and used his friendliness to kill them, Blair did what he thought was best by taking out a major threat like saddam hussein and used the forces he had at his expense (this means the british forces the ones that get told that there job entails when they enlist and why they are getting paid)! Im sorry but there is a big difference between the two and any one who doesnt think so is either sick or deluded!


good point made further up and to be honest is what im trying to get at. If Blair and Bush hadnt have gone into Iraq what should have happened, what people have to understand is that Saddam although may not have been a threat at the time could and most probably would have been in the future, i for one am sure glad that he was stopped befor we had the chance to find out!


maybe sometimes it takes something major to happen though to make people realise but then its to late and it would be the same people who would have got on Blair back for not doing something sooner!

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From Webster's


"Ungrate" is a common misspelling or typo for: ingrate.... :)


So you managed to quote one part of the page from Webster's but NOT the important part:


Definition: Ungrate

Displeasing; ungrateful; ingrate.

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Saint Tony - we love you.:gag:


He is without doubt one of the biggest opportunists ever to grace politics in my lifetime. He has not a shred of integrity and also has a Messianic complex. Hopefully, this will have scuppered the sales of his holy book and he won't even recoup the costs of his advance.

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The question that needs to be asked, and indeed has been, both on here and in many places, is why did he feel the need to make his donation public?


It was the leading news story on BBC, SKY, CNN, everywhere.


So why? Here is a little secret I will let you all in on. About a year back I started to donate to the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trusts. I have told nobody until now apart from the Mrs. Why would I?


The man is a fraud and his donation is not made out of kindness, decency, generosity…whatever positive slant you want to put on it.


Good on The British Legion mind, they will make good use of the money. They would have made just as much use if the donation had been made anonymously.

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even though its generous what your doing for the wildlife trust, i dont think its anywere near the 5 mill mark that hes donating to the forces.

Maybe yes he has made it public to get a few more people back on his side, but im sure the reason he has give the money is not because he wants people to like him i think he realises how pathetic some of the public are and im sure he knew this kind of feedback would be given by alot of us haha.

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