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Grrrr... Right hand lane drivers

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Just been reading the parking space comments,and thought I'd add my own pet hate which is drivers on dual carriageways who occupy the rh lane at 25/30mph in anticipation of making a right turn sometime in the next half hour.

Also drivers making a left turn who initially swing out to the right.Oh yes and drivers who cut corners when turning right.Not to forget people who nip in the safe gap that you've left between you and the car in front.

Good job I'm a laid back person.

oh I forgot the motor scooter drivers who tag on in the blind spot of your car waiting to swerve round when the traffic slows to lees than their top speed of 30mph.

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How about the 40 mph drivers. That's the only speed they can do. They do it on perfectly good A roads and hold you up if it's not safe to overtake. When you finally reach a 30 zone and slow down, they continue at 40 mph as if stuck at that speed.

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How about the 40 mph drivers. That's the only speed they can do. They do it on perfectly good A roads and hold you up if it's not safe to overtake. When you finally reach a 30 zone and slow down, they continue at 40 mph as if stuck at that speed.


Oh yes these drive me mad too!! I encounter these types of drivers most mornings on my way into work - they seem to not realise that the are driving on a de-regulated road and some drivers have even stuck to 30mph all the way along- until they come upon the 30mph sign and suddenly they drive at ......... 20mph!! :suspect::huh:

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Right hand lane drivers are my main pet hate when driving.


My recent rage of them was coming home from Birmingham Airport at 3am on Saturday. Driving on the Motorway and I was shocked to see so many people driving in the middle lane, even though there was no traffic around for miles!


It got worse on the new 4 lane stretch from Derby, ridiculous how people now feel the need to sit in the 3rd lane, why? Why the hell do people do this? It is also usually a case of Mercedes, BMW or Van Men.

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A pet hate of mine are drivers who position their cars badly when waiting to turn. I regularly turn left at the top of Stephen Hill, and often have to wait behind a car waiting to turn right who couldn't be bothered to position up to the middle of the road. If they had positioned correctly, I could have passed to their left.

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Right hand lane drivers are my main pet hate when driving.


My recent rage of them was coming home from Birmingham Airport at 3am on Saturday. Driving on the Motorway and I was shocked to see so many people driving in the middle lane, even though there was no traffic around for miles!


It got worse on the new 4 lane stretch from Derby, ridiculous how people now feel the need to sit in the 3rd lane, why? Why the hell do people do this? It is also usually a case of Mercedes, BMW or Van Men.


Yes, I've noticed it seems worse on the 4 lane sections. I suppose they drive in lane 2 of a 3 lane carriageway, and never deviate. When an extra lane appears on their left, they take no notice, and so are in lane 3 of 4.

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You know, sometimes you *have* to use the right lane if you're going to make a right turn in the next half hour, because when the roads are busy, nobody is polite enough to let you move over when you try and change lanes from left to right.


I do try and keep left, but the amount of times I have been signalling into the left lane to be ignored or just blocked in, I couldn't count. I think more people would drive on the left if more people were considerate, generous and polite. Wouldn't that be lovely? :-)

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When I'm aware of an impatient little nark trying to drive up my bad eye I often slow down in the hope of causing these unpleasant people to die early of some stress related illness, thereby making the world a better place for decent people to live.


My advice would be to chill out and enjoy the ride it isn't supposed to be a race.

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Just been reading the parking space comments,and thought I'd add my own pet hate which is drivers on dual carriageways who occupy the rh lane at 25/30mph in anticipation of making a right turn sometime in the next half hour.


Ah, you mean the offside lane from Wadsley Bridge to Hillfoot Bridge (just after).


This should be called the 'Bingo Lane' and maybe the lane marked as such with white paint.


Watch how often the dozy bugger turns up for bingo, despite being undertaken no end in the last couple of miles.

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