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Government to ban cowboy clampers

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Have they won a case yet or are they still threatening people with court action that never materialises?


They have certainly taken at least one person to court. He was the head of a parking campaign group and may well have been baiting them. "Expel" lost the case, but as this was only in the County Court does not constitute case law. They declined to appeal the decission, which is a shame as that would have established case law and removed the grey areas.




This doesn't stop private parking companies issuing "tickets".. and there is also a major difference between demanding money for a penalty and simply demanding money for a parking fee.


It also seems that a series of ever more threatening letters hinting at eventual legal enforcement is sufficient to persuade even many of the hardened "I will not pay under any circumstances" brigade to actually pay up to get the hounds off their backs. Despite massive publicity in local papers etc I still suspect that the vast majority of people pay these penalties, and very few indeed ignore the initial parking fee entirely.

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This doesn't stop private parking companies issuing "tickets".. and there is also a major difference between demanding money for a penalty and simply demanding money for a parking fee.


No and that's the crux of the matter.


If the companies involved played fair we would not have the problems we have today.

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No and that's the crux of the matter.


If the companies involved played fair we would not have the problems we have today.


I think the whole issue under discussion is how private parking charges are enforced without the ability to clamp or tow away. If both parkers and enforcers were to play by the rules there wouldn't be a problem. However if those parking elect to take liberties a problem will exist. Similarly there are private parking companies who are clearly overstepping the bounds of reasonable behaviour, and dare I say perhaps even resorting to intimidation in order to enforce parking restrictions. That sort of behaviour is perhaps understandable (although not to be condoned) if the public choose to ride roughshod over their right to control parking on private land.

I see a real problem when private contractors seek to impose a penalty on those who overstay their alloted time.

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So does this mean that if I own a small shop with a car park in town, there is nothing I can do to stop people from using my car park to do their shopping elsewhere, therefore loosing me business?


Unless you hold a licence from the SIA you could not legally clamp anyone anyway. The most you could do would be to issue (or get a parking company to issue) an un-enforceable invoice to the driver.

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Hooray, this means I can park in ASDA at Chapeltown and then use my free pass on the train and go to Sheffield or Barnsley. I know its tough on Asda and I can see their point but loads of us will take advantage while we can. Same at Hillsboro', park in Morrisons then go into town on the tram. Every supermarket will become a 'Park and Ride'. Cant see it lasting long somehow..........


Most supermarkets have cameras now so i would not try that one you will get a fine thro your letter box

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Look,you're a motorist and to some people that's the devil incarnate..you may as well get used to it ... :)


Spot on . Us motorists are the lowest of the low and should be flogged in public . How dare we want to go about our daily business driving vehicles .


shame on us

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Hooray, this means I can park in ASDA at Chapeltown and then use my free pass on the train and go to Sheffield or Barnsley. I know its tough on Asda and I can see their point but loads of us will take advantage while we can. Same at Hillsboro', park in Morrisons then go into town on the tram. Every supermarket will become a 'Park and Ride'. Cant see it lasting long somehow..........


It's that type of thought process that will end up with every supermarket and shop with parking having to install barriers.

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I think the issue at hand is where you put the car when you aren't driving.


In no other walk of life can a private company patrol the streets looking for people to hold to ransom for money , because this is what they have been allowed to do .


the vast fees they have been able to charge motorists to release their car is criminal . It is demanding money with menaces , but its been legal to do it until now.


These companys have made a fortune by basically " stealing " cars ,and demanding money to give them back , and in a lot of cases using bully boy tactics to get their money .


Anyone who can justify this is no better than these lowlifes themselves.

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In no other walk of life can a private company patrol the streets looking for people to hold to ransom for money , because this is what they have been allowed to do .


the vast fees they have been able to charge motorists to release their car is criminal . It is demanding money with menaces , but its been legal to do it until now.


These companys have made a fortune by basically " stealing " cars ,and demanding money to give them back , and in a lot of cases using bully boy tactics to get their money .


Anyone who can justify this is no better than these lowlifes themselves.


Some are bad some are genuinely just trying to stop people parking on private land, on behalf of the owner of the land. You are entitled to your view though, if you leave you address, I'll make a note of it and if in the area and struggling to park I will know which drive to leave my car on.

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I was thinking last night actually - clamping is akin to a bailiff coming to your house and trying to take stuff without a court issued warrant. I think they should be allowed to ticket you, but when it comes to actually claiming your car I can't help thinking they should need a warrant for that.


It's not really like a bailiff coming to your house. It's like you going to a bailiff's house, leaving your telly in the middle of his living room so that he has to trip over it all the time and then him asking for a bit of cash to make up for the inconvenience you've caused him.

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