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What do drugs smell like?

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I live in an apartment block I pay £500 a month for a 1 bed flat, anyways I have lived here for over a year and had no problems however a new tennant has just moved in across the hall from me. Me and my partner are non-smokers along with the whole of our families.


As soon as this new tennant moved in our flat now stinks for cigorette smoke, makes me feel sick. We live in a non-smoking building so hes already breaking his rental contract, but I doubt that the landlord will do much as half the building smoke on their balconys, but this guy is doing it indoors and smelling out the whole building.


Some evenings I get this realy strong smell that I havent smelt before its realy pungent, similar to melting plastic. Could this be drugs? if so is there anything I can do?

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Like melting plastic? Possibly crack.


Or perhaps smoking Heroin. That's the nearest possible way of describing it that I could come to. Absolutely foul :gag:


As Lady says, deffo doesn't sound like weed. I've never smelt weed that smells like melting plastic.

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Next time you smell it, go and knock on his door and ask him if he can smell something burning because you are worried. Whilst you are there take a look into his eyes, are they dilated or 'pinned' ? is he acting erratic ? Does the smell get stronger if he opens the door ? A little detective work could give you a clue as to wether or not drugs are being used. Then again if he is doing it in his home and not hurting anyone, whats the problem ?

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Next time you smell it, go and knock on his door and ask him if he can smell something burning because you are worried. Whilst you are there take a look into his eyes, are they dilated or 'pinned' ? is he acting erratic ? Does the smell get stronger if he opens the door ? A little detective work could give you a clue as to wether or not drugs are being used. Then again if he is doing it in his home and not hurting anyone, whats the problem ?


Read his first post, he says its making him feel sick.

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Do some investigation, if your neighbour is using drugs in the privacy of his own home, try treating him like you would any other neighbour who was ding something which aggrived you. Try and find a solution to the problem whereby both parties are happy. Perhaps he could smoke inside then open the window to ventilate, perhaps theres a time when you're always out and he could smoke during these periods, etc etc.


I'm sure not ALL drug users are on the verge of raping you and your family then stealing your belongings to sell for their next high.

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