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Perfect Posture?

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8) Nah Den Ace........


I was thinking of getting one of those back chairs, which are meant to be ergonomically designed to keep your back straight whilst sitting at your PC..........you know the ones with a padded knee rest?


The thing is, I spend a lot of time at my PC (usually writing nonsense on here!), and quite often I end up with twinges in my back. I thought getting one of these chairs would hopefully prevent this.


Does anybody here use one? What do you reckon to 'em? Do your legs/knees cop for any pain/stiffness if you sit there for any length of times? Your feedback would be appreciated......cheers!





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Originally posted by Spacehopper

8) Nah Den Ace........


I was thinking of getting one of those back chairs, which are meant to be ergonomically designed to keep your back straight whilst sitting at your PC..........you know the ones with a padded knee rest?


The thing is, I spend a lot of time at my PC (usually writing nonsense on here!), and quite often I end up with twinges in my back. I thought getting one of these chairs would hopefully prevent this.


Does anybody here use one? What do you reckon to 'em? Do your legs/knees cop for any pain/stiffness if you sit there for any length of times? Your feedback would be appreciated......cheers!






8) Nah Den Ace......



Have used one in the past, albeit fairly briefly. If you spend long hours at the computer I wouldn't recommend one, especially if you are as figity as I am.






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Originally posted by t020

8) Nah Den Ace......


Have used one in the past, albeit fairly briefly. If you spend long hours at the computer I wouldn't recommend one, especially if you are as figity as I am.






8) Nah Den Ace........(It's catching on!)


Cheers t020..........hmm, I'll have to give it some thought...........I suppose I could alternate between chairs!


Anybody else used one? What are your thoughts?





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8) Nah Den SpAcehopper


I too suffer from a bad back due more to my line of work rather than sat at the PC but my back does ache when I have been sat in front of the PC for a long time.


The Chiropractor that I see advised against buying one of these chairs as it would put too much pressure on the knees therefore causing another problem.


He advised instead to try and sit with a straight back rather than slouch in the chair and to get up and do something else (walk around a bit or whatever) every 30-45 minutes so you don't become set in one position.


Try a cushion or a pillow on the chair to help keep your back straight :thumbsup:


[edit] sorry forgot,





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8) Nah Den Ace.......






Originally posted by upholder

Try a cushion or a pillow on the chair to help keep your back straight..........


That is a really obvious solution........I hadn't even thought of it! Doh!! Cheers mate!





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