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Has any one come across the preacher on the bus?


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I've seen her four or five times now and she always cracks me up from behind my sanctuary of headphones book and backseat of the bus (my legs don't fit comfortably anywhere else).


I think I;d have a different opinion on her if she singled me out, but I saw one guy try and get into a theological debate once and she was having none of it.


Blind faith is a funny old thing.



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Hi there, two things:



Blind faith is a funny old thing.




Indeed it is. I totally agree!! Look at the people who like charles darwin and havent read his book fully and noticed the AK47-full-of-bullet-holes-in-his-theories!


Blind Faith is a funny old thing!


2nd thing:



"If english was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me"

A US congressman to Dr David Edwards, head of the Joint National Committee on Language, about the necessity for a commercial nation to be multilingual


Typical Yank :P


Jesus, peace be upon him didnt speak English but


Aramaic :P :P :P


So he wouldnt have a clue what this Senator was on about cos he didnt speak English :hihi:


Finally, not having a go at you - just wanted to point out some interesting things.


Hope you have a nice day!


PS> I havent met the lady but i wouldnt mind a theological debate - as long as she dont mention the Trinity to me - :D I am an open opponent of this!



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Originally posted by Ninjamagic

Hi there, two things:




Indeed it is. I totally agree!! Look at the people who like charles darwin and havent read his book fully and noticed the AK47-full-of-bullet-holes-in-his-theories!


Blind Faith is a funny old thing!


2nd thing:




Typical Yank :P


Jesus, peace be upon him didnt speak English but


Aramaic :P :P :P


So he wouldnt have a clue what this Senator was on about cos he didnt speak English :hihi:


Finally, not having a go at you - just wanted to point out some interesting things.


Hope you have a nice day!


PS> I havent met the lady but i wouldnt mind a theological debate - as long as she dont mention the Trinity to me - :D I am an open opponent of this!





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Originally posted by Ninjamagic

Jesus, peace be upon him didnt speak English but


Aramaic :P :P :P


So he wouldnt have a clue what this Senator was on about cos he didnt speak English :hihi:


Yes, that was the joke, hence my signature.


As for you thinking Darwin was wrong. You a proponent of Intelligent design then?



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Originally posted by BrainThrust

Yes, that was the joke, hence my signature.


As for you thinking Darwin was wrong. You a proponent of Intelligent design then?




Aaah sorry! Irony then he, didnt spot it! although should have!


Intelligent Design by a Higher Being of course. Makes sense.

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