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Unleased vouchers at 23

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I haven't tried 23 yet but I did try to get in the Leopold for afternoon tea last Monday afternoon. The woman asked me if I had a voucher...when I said yes, she looked at me a bit fed up and said they had no availability....she said I could try ringing to book but she couldn't promise anything...to be honest, I got the distinct feeling she was telling me not to bother trying to book if I was using a sheffield unleashed voucher...


I imagine there are a couple of thousand people like me and you who've realised they've got unused vouchers - I've got loads! - and are trying to use them before the end of the month...it can't be much fun for the businesses involved in the scheme but I'd have thought they just have to take it on the chin if they sign up to something like this - otherwise the vouchers are useless for the last month out of the year. Might be something to think about if people are going to buy next year's book...

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23 have been ars&& throughout the entire voucher thing not just this month. They apparently only allow 3 vouchers to be used per night. We tried once and were told it was fine to eat until we mentioned the voucher we were told they were full. The staff member was also very rude.


We rang twice and got told they had no spaces on two further occasions.


We eventually ate their and the food was average and the place was empty. Cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

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Actually, I've just remembered using the cocktail vouchers at 23 at the beginning of the year...we walked up to the bar where one of the bar tenders was stood smiling at us...and all was ok til we showed him the voucher: we got a massive "tsk.!", an eye-rolling...then he turned on his heel and spat to the lad next to him "you serve these, I'm going upstairs". Nice.

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We enjoyed our 23 meal and didn't have any problems using the voucher, though we did use it back in October. We've got a few vouchers left that are ridiculously difficult to use though, as some places have a maximum number of vouchers per day and are booked. For those who wish to know, the following places are fully booked:


Eyefinity (for eye tests!)

Leopold Hotel


Aston Hotel (bar Tuesday 31st August when I rang up)


Shame about the afternoon tea voucher, but hey, that's life :)

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don't forget the hotel vouchers run on for longer - one of them is a two year voucher.


we have one stay booked for november, and will be using the others up if we can fit them in.


didn't use the bar23 food, but the cocktail was merrily doled out, and equally merrily consumed.


could have done better with the book, but still got good value out of it - other half had the spa treatment the other day, i bungee jumped, hotel booked, cocktails and consumed - a good day out for £50.


i'll strive to use the next one more productively!

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We had a really good meal at 23 on a tuesday night a few months ago and had no problems what so ever and we were both impressed by the standard of the food. We're booked into the psalter tomorrow and are off to 7 spice for the 2 free starters there to get them used up.

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