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Nether Edge - problems with youths


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I live ON Sheldon Road & I am THANKFULLy moving away this time next month.


totally agree,. & my partner had mentioned that the Youth/kids round the area seemed to have got worse in last month.


On my days off they run past our house & press the buzzer... 8am-- 1pm..etc & run away. Just to annoy us as we live in shared accomodation/a flat .

One day I came home to my next door neighbour furious on the doorstep that they had thrown a whole fire extinguisher on his backgarden, previously &attemped to just chuck it through his window.(But he had caught them) Of course they had run away.. I presume to one their many relatives round this area.

I HATE going out in the evening as I get verbal abuse i.e rude & often followed uncomfortably for a short distance & try to avoid them as im a young girl that has to walk myself to the bus stop, with hoodies lurking on street corner drinking. Same place.


My partner also mentioned last week were a group of people absolutely stoned outside Sainsburys-sat on the floor- shouting abuse to all people going in/out & staff ignoring them (outside property.. none their business) that did make me say WHAT the hell has this neighbourhood come too.


I remember just before xmas I noticed it all happening /degrading round here?- a lot were throwing very hard snowballs - enough to give you a black eye - at buses /cars & at people then running down peoples path to avoid, this happened main road. I only saw one guy stand up to them, as it merely missed his girlfriend.

Then I witnessed another young kid try to break into that new sweet shop near Broadfield- with a crowbar- at 7am- a few people in bus queue & cars going past- turning a blind eye. Same ethnicity.. same hoody...


That aside, I really hope your Ok (apologies, should have asked you first, where are my manners). Its put me a bit more worried for when I go out on my evenings as I am always on my own struggling in heels and a dress. I already am sick the verbal abuse , Silly boys, I often get mad & think grow some B8lls!! (can i say that on here :S)- & how disgusting where they learn that from. I don't dress tarty- often a below the knee skirt or leggings & I get abuse.


Its sad that it actually IS a certain ethnicity. Huge shame as I've always previously enjoyed how communal sharrow came across when I moved here, & we are on friendly terms to the point of small talk & familarity with other small shops round here that are of same ethnicity.

When I walk home from work I am actually thinking.. Thank God I am moving Soon.


Again I'm really sorry to hear of your experience, I am local so PM me If you want to char more/ have a good old chinwag about it.

Take care,


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have posted about this before, relatives were forced out of their house on christmas day by a large group of asians who smashed all the front windows in and threatened them for being white, telling them to get out of their area. no charges were ever brought, luckily they have now moved to a better area without problems like this.

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Only one way kids like this understand,iv seen it all before,i lived on shirecliffe,behind tesco,and we had the same problem,one family and thier cronies were abusing and stealing from old people and defenceless single women.

Over a few beers in the devonshire one night,a few like minded people banded together,and ended it,with the FULL support of s yorks police who gaves half an hours grace to sort it all out,result......they were rarely seen in public and were too scared to mob up again,the family of the 2 ringleaders requested police protection and asked to be re housed for thier own safety.

Iv always used the same approach when confronted by a gang of gobby youths,get straight in the ringleaders face,take him out,and the rest wont be so eager

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Only one way kids like this understand,iv seen it all before,i lived on shirecliffe,behind tesco,and we had the same problem,one family and thier cronies were abusing and stealing from old people and defenceless single women.

Over a few beers in the devonshire one night,a few like minded people banded together,and ended it,with the FULL support of s yorks police who gaves half an hours grace to sort it all out,result......they were rarely seen in public and were too scared to mob up again,the family of the 2 ringleaders requested police protection and asked to be re housed for thier own safety.

Iv always used the same approach when confronted by a gang of gobby youths,get straight in the ringleaders face,take him out,and the rest wont be so eager



Yep , thats sounds good to me.

I did something similar quite a few years ago. Someone kept threatening me, offering fights etc etc, tried to ignore them but after a few months began to get on my nerves... so gave em a bloomin good hiding infront of there so-called mates. Strangely, never heard anything from them again :hihi:

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My name is Ian Roberts, I am the Inspector on the Broomhill and Sharrow Safer Neighbourhood Team. My team covers Nether Edge along with surrounding communities. The area does suffer from some Anti-social behaviour from a minority of youths and it would be pointless of me to suggest otherwise. However in comparison to other areas anti-social behaviour is comparitively low. We do conduct taretted patrols in the area and we also work closely with partners including the Community assembly, youth services, schools and voluntary groups in the area. I'm unable to monitor the forum regularly due to work comittments but I would welcome an opportunity to discuss any issues or problems anyone has experienced, either as a consequence of ASB or if they feel the service delivered to them hasn't been acceptable. I am contactable via 0114 202020 or at ian.roberts@southyorks.pnn.police.uk. Kind regards and thank-you for reading.

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i was walking near the virgin gym before xmas and a group of asain lads were throwing snowballs at a coach then decided to start on me, i turned round at first to say something but when i realised there were about 7/8 of em i carried on, anyway they followed me and continued and i thought they were gonna do me over. Anyway another coach passed and i carried on walking. I'm not a small bloke but it was quite intimidating, i returned that way to the broady and was all set to go over with the 10/15 mates from the pub, but, probably wisely decided not to bother. I think the last few posters are completely right, as long as the coppers do nothing about it this will continue and i think it will even if they do something. It needs a strong group of people to go in there and make it clear that the behaviour stops one way or another.


About 8 years ago i lived on Wath Road, i walked up to the bus stop at the cross roads and some looney came flying through the red lights and mounted the kerb in an attempt to hit me with the car, the bloke from the oxfam shop came up and checked i was ok, which luckily i was, i literally had a jump up a wall to get out of the way. The cops found out who it was and nothing happened, even though he deliberately drove his car at me in an attempt to at least injure me. This guy then sat with his car across both lanes and just shouted and screamed whilst cars sat there. Glad i dont live round there anymore, only venture through when i have to.

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My name is Ian Roberts, I am the Inspector on the Broomhill and Sharrow Safer Neighbourhood Team. My team covers Nether Edge along with surrounding communities. The area does suffer from some Anti-social behaviour from a minority of youths and it would be pointless of me to suggest otherwise. However in comparison to other areas anti-social behaviour is comparitively low. We do conduct taretted patrols in the area and we also work closely with partners including the Community assembly, youth services, schools and voluntary groups in the area. I'm unable to monitor the forum regularly due to work comittments but I would welcome an opportunity to discuss any issues or problems anyone has experienced, either as a consequence of ASB or if they feel the service delivered to them hasn't been acceptable. I am contactable via 0114 202020 or at ian.roberts@southyorks.pnn.police.uk. Kind regards and thank-you for reading.



In the past when needed I have contacted the police and my councillors & MP, if the police are unaware of the problems being as bad as people are saying get in touch.

It's all well and good coming on here and saying what is happening, but get in touch with the authorities and councillors and MP's and anyone else you can think of.


You now have a contact address for the police and the council members for Nether Edge are



Ali Qadar Lib Dem 258 5395

(also fax) 273 5517 ali.qadar@sheffield.gov.uk


Qurban Hussain Labour 273 5588 qurban.hussain@sheffield.gov.uk


Anders Hanson Lib Dem 303 0064 273 5517 anders.hanson@sheffield.gov.uk




think Meg Munn may be the MP covering that area. Bombard them all with the facts, days , times places and hopefully if enough complain you will get a result.

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In the past when needed I have contacted the police and my councillors & MP, if the police are unaware of the problems being as bad as people are saying get in touch.

It's all well and good coming on here and saying what is happening, but get in touch with the authorities and councillors and MP's and anyone else you can think of.


You now have a contact address for the police and the council members for Nether Edge are



Ali Qadar Lib Dem 258 5395

(also fax) 273 5517 ali.qadar@sheffield.gov.uk


Qurban Hussain Labour 273 5588 qurban.hussain@sheffield.gov.uk


Anders Hanson Lib Dem 303 0064 273 5517 anders.hanson@sheffield.gov.uk




think Meg Munn may be the MP covering that area. Bombard them all with the facts, days , times places and hopefully if enough complain you will get a result.


Paul Blomfield is the MP for Sheffield Central of which Nether Edge is a part of.

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I live ON Sheldon Road & I am THANKFULLy moving away this time next month.


totally agree,. & my partner had mentioned that the Youth/kids round the area seemed to have got worse in last month.


On my days off they run past our house & press the buzzer... 8am-- 1pm..etc & run away. Just to annoy us as we live in shared accomodation/a flat .

One day I came home to my next door neighbour furious on the doorstep that they had thrown a whole fire extinguisher on his backgarden, previously &attemped to just chuck it through his window.(But he had caught them) Of course they had run away.. I presume to one their many relatives round this area.

I HATE going out in the evening as I get verbal abuse i.e rude & often followed uncomfortably for a short distance & try to avoid them as im a young girl that has to walk myself to the bus stop, with hoodies lurking on street corner drinking. Same place.


My partner also mentioned last week were a group of people absolutely stoned outside Sainsburys-sat on the floor- shouting abuse to all people going in/out & staff ignoring them (outside property.. none their business) that did make me say WHAT the hell has this neighbourhood come too.


I remember just before xmas I noticed it all happening /degrading round here?- a lot were throwing very hard snowballs - enough to give you a black eye - at buses /cars & at people then running down peoples path to avoid, this happened main road. I only saw one guy stand up to them, as it merely missed his girlfriend.

Then I witnessed another young kid try to break into that new sweet shop near Broadfield- with a crowbar- at 7am- a few people in bus queue & cars going past- turning a blind eye. Same ethnicity.. same hoody...


That aside, I really hope your Ok (apologies, should have asked you first, where are my manners). Its put me a bit more worried for when I go out on my evenings as I am always on my own struggling in heels and a dress. I already am sick the verbal abuse , Silly boys, I often get mad & think grow some B8lls!! (can i say that on here :S)- & how disgusting where they learn that from. I don't dress tarty- often a below the knee skirt or leggings & I get abuse.


Its sad that it actually IS a certain ethnicity. Huge shame as I've always previously enjoyed how communal sharrow came across when I moved here, & we are on friendly terms to the point of small talk & familarity with other small shops round here that are of same ethnicity.

When I walk home from work I am actually thinking.. Thank God I am moving Soon.


Again I'm really sorry to hear of your experience, I am local so PM me If you want to char more/ have a good old chinwag about it.

Take care,



Sorry to hear of your experiences of Nether Edge, but in moving away I hope you dont move from one area to another that experiences the same/worse degree of anti social behaviour..but youths of a different ethnicity.

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First i would like to thank you all for your comments and advice.


I had a knock on the door tonight, 2 police officers came to visit.


Well i have never had my opinion of slack attitude turned round to positive so quick in all my life.


First they apologised for the delay in reponce, had a good chat, and as luck would have it, they know who wolloped me and are going to visit said individual very shortly


Thanks all, will let you know when i have more info.


You was lucky then,they probably didnt respond well the 1st time, as you admittedly had a drink, probably could not remember what the person looked like. So why would the police waste resources looking for someone they didnt have a clue what they where looking for.

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