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Nether Edge - problems with youths


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I have also come across such behaviour quite recently; these lads are so young yet so violent. Many of them also sell Cannabis as a night job while attending college to pick up their EMA during the day.


It’s generally Asian youths whose parents seem to let them out without any care in the world as to what they are doing, they wear hoodies and aren’t intimidating as individuals but in groups they tend to act very affectively through numbers.


IMO the best and most effective way to eliminate this problem is to let the parents know, the only way to do this is to contact community leaders who should make announcements to parents (at the mosque on a Friday?) warning them of the uproar and potential repercussions of such behaviour.


There appears to be an overwhelming amount of this sort of activity in and around the potato shop on Abbeydale road and stretches as far as Mount Pleasant Park in Sharrow, with areas such as Carterknowle, Kenwood etc. immune.


The Police don’t seem to give a damn about what’s going on, through my knowledge of the culture and background to the problem I can state that the majority of the boys are of a Pakistani background and come from villages rather than cities (where people are a bit more civilised).

I have managed to track many of them down on Facebook purely through eavesdropping on conversations and listening out for names.

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After reading a lot of this thread and people have mentioned. It's not all Netheredge where there is a problem, it's the area in Netheredge around the "common ground" My friend got mugged there on Christmas Night last year, I've heard of many other problems in that area too. If only there was more of a police presence then it would help. Also by clearing the common ground area and cutting down the bushes / trees so people cannot hide in there it would be a great help.


I used to live in that area and never had a problem luckly, I now live further up in Netheredge which seems to be a lot better and I've not heard of any trouble in the area I now live in.

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  • 2 months later...

i have had the same problem on more than one occasion. and not being racist but on every one it was a group of around ten or twelve Asian youths. they just cross abbeydale road at a snails pace, deliberately in front of me on my mountain bike. i usually pull up and wait for them to cross, the motor cars and buses have to do the same. even then its a torrent of abuse and on one occasion a few of them spat at me, then went down the line of cars banging on the windows. needless to say even though me and at least three other people in the cars reported it at once to the police they did nothing. in fact i rang again a few days later and gave them the so called crime number and they didnt know a thing about it. it does seem that, if they can the police will let incidents like that disappear i wonder why??

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My wife worked in an office on Abbeydale Road many years ago, she was called white trash, a prostitute etc. All the staff (circa 12) stopped using any Asian establishment in the area, I know a lot of folk that will not do any business with Asians. Are the parents of these Asian youths a bit thick, in thinking that the folk that their kids are abusing will support their businesses? :loopy:

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i have had the same problem on more than one occasion. and not being racist but on every one it was a group of around ten or twelve Asian youths. they just cross abbeydale road at a snails pace, deliberately in front of me on my mountain bike. i usually pull up and wait for them to cross, the motor cars and buses have to do the same. even then its a torrent of abuse and on one occasion a few of them spat at me, then went down the line of cars banging on the windows. needless to say even though me and at least three other people in the cars reported it at once to the police they did nothing. in fact i rang again a few days later and gave them the so called crime number and they didnt know a thing about it. it does seem that, if they can the police will let incidents like that disappear i wonder why??


Have you considered asking them why, rather than raising the speculation of innuendo on a public forum? I've lived in Nether Edge, and travel through it regularly to visit the various ethnic grocers and Kempka's, I've never once encountered the kind of incident you describe. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, there are anti social youths in all areas of Sheffield, but you do seem to be rather unfortunate if this happens to you regularly.


Incidentally, the officer in charge of the Nether Edge SNT is Insp Ian Roberts, he can be contacted on this number 0114 2963187, or emailed at broomhill&sharrow@southyorks.pnn.police.uk, it would be a good idea to copy the Chief Constable in, that way you can rest assured that you will receive a response.

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Have you considered asking them why, rather than raising the speculation of innuendo on a public forum? I've lived in Nether Edge, and travel through it regularly to visit the various ethnic grocers an d Kempka's, I've never once encountered the kind of incident you describe. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, there are anti social youths in all areas of Sheffield, but you do seem to be rather unfortunate if this happens to you regularly.


Incidentally, the officer in charge of the Nether Edge SNT is Insp Ian Roberts, he can be contacted on this number 0114 2963187, or emailed at broomhill&sharrow@southyorks.pnn.police.uk, it would be a good idea to copy the Chief Constable in, that way you can rest assured that you will receive a response.




A DOG walker was knocked unconscious in a Sheffield park after he was robbed by a gang of youths who stole his bag, £500 and a mobile phone.


The 44-year-old, who does not want to be identified, was walking his dog in Mount Pleasant Park, Sharrow, when he was attacked.


He said he remembers nothing of the attack other than waking up slumped on the ground after a friend revived him.


His pal, who was throwing a stick for the victim’s dog during the attack, put him into the recovery position and gave him the kiss of life to get him breathing.


Detectives investigating the incident want to hear from witnesses or anyone with information about the gang, who were black or Asian, responsible.


The victim said: “All I know is that my friend was throwing a stick for my dog while I was being attacked and when he found me ion the floor I was unconscious and had blood coming from my nose or ears.


“He put me into the recovery position and managed to bring me round.


“He panicked at first not knowing how serious it was but managed to get me to bring up some sick or blood which brought me round.


“It is scary to think what happened to me and has got me wondering whether I want to continue living somewhere like this where this kind of thing is happening.”


He said the cash he was carrying in his bag was for a friend he was lending it to for a holiday.


Another friend, who also does not want to be named, said there have been a number of attacks in Sharrow.


He said: “This is happening all the time – we are being assaulted, hit with stones and verbally abused by people. It is getting to the point now where local people are wanting to move away because they feel so intimated here.


“There are some people round here running feral and nothing seems to be getting done.”


A South Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said the attack was being treated as an ‘isolated incident’.


“The incident happened at around 7.50pm on Saturday when a group of men, believed to be black or of an Asian appearance, approached a man.


“He was then subjected to an assault and because of the attack he sustained facial injuries. The injured man was conveyed to hospital for treatment and released later that evening.


“During the incident, it is believed the victim’s rucksack and mobile phone were taken.


n Call 0114 2202020 and quote incident number 1,231 of Saturday, September 10 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111


The area is a cesspit.

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I am no Rambo these days, but these scum bags don't scare me, I have my car serviced on Broadfield Road, buy my meat on Abbeydale Road and have my hair cut on London Road. One of the best pubs in Sheffield is only minutes away from these incidents, my son lives nearby and my wife was brought up in the area.


Having crap around doesn't make the whole area a cesspit, a proper police force would soon have it sorted, some chance of that in the short term though.

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What's your point? I've given the poster details of how to complain, rather than moaning to people who can have no effect on resolving their grievance.


Wow bf you really are very self righteous on here !

People can post what they want on a public forum, just like you and I do, get over yourself !

If Nether Edge has issues with problem youths then why should it not be mentioned on here ?

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