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Nether Edge - problems with youths


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First they apologised for the delay in reponce, had a good chat, and as luck would have it, they know who wolloped me and are going to visit said individual very shortly



That's good news, I'm concerned about the "they know who walloped me" bit, because it would seem they must have had other reports to know who it is and you would have imagined something would have been said earlier. However, just conjecture on my part.


Anyway, it's good the matter is being handled at last.

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First i would like to thank you all for your comments and advice.


I had a knock on the door tonight, 2 police officers came to visit.


Well i have never had my opinion of slack attitude turned round to positive so quick in all my life.


First they apologised for the delay in reponce, had a good chat, and as luck would have it, they know who wolloped me and are going to visit said individual very shortly


Thanks all, will let you know when i have more info.


Glad you have had a positve response after what has happened to you. :)

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That's good news, I'm concerned about the "they know who walloped me" bit, because it would seem they must have had other reports to know who it is and you would have imagined something would have been said earlier. However, just conjecture on my part.


Anyway, it's good the matter is being handled at last.


It could just be that the OP gave a really thorough description of the suspect and that the officer was able to recognise him based on previous dealings with the police. There you go, a bit of counter-conjecture! :hihi:


And I agree, it's great to hear a bit of good news at long last. I've just moved to the area and this thread was beginning to depress me immensely.

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The reason they know who walllopped me is that i found out his nickname, and he is known to the police by that name also. He is also a very distinctive in his looks and his attitude.

I would also like to say that the two officers who visited me seemed genuinely interested and are going out of their way to locate him, rather than just wait till he is spotted in the area.


I was not physically hurt, just stung my cheek for a couple of hours, but i reported it because it was an assault, and he must know that people are not going to tolerate it.


Expecting to hear from the police today so will keep you informed.

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The reason they know who walllopped me is that i found out his nickname, and he is known to the police by that name also. He is also a very distinctive in his looks and his attitude.

I would also like to say that the two officers who visited me seemed genuinely interested and are going out of their way to locate him, rather than just wait till he is spotted in the area.


I was not physically hurt, just stung my cheek for a couple of hours, but i reported it because it was an assault, and he must know that people are not going to tolerate it.


Expecting to hear from the police today so will keep you informed.


Very interesting, do keep us informed on how it progresses

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I'm guessing that the victim in this thread is white and as for the attackers we will have to see if Shaky99 is willing to tell us.


9 times out of 10, the victims in racial attacks in this area are white, you are spot on... The attackers are usually asian kids - but then the police know this already as those attacked will mostly have reported the crimes to the police... I suffered two racial attacks in Netheredge in the last 8 years and the police didn't come out for either of them... The first was the worst, the 2nd was just little kids who think throwing things and shouting racial abuse in the street is perfectly acceptable, as noone tells them off for it...


Wish I'd had the copper who has posted on here earlier today on the other end of the phone when I called those times!

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I'm guessing that the victim in this thread is white and as for the attackers we will have to see if Shaky99 is willing to tell us.


Frankly it matters not, the victim of a racist attack should be treated exactly the same and the perpetrators pursued vigorously whatever colour they are.


I lived in the areas in Nether Edge mentioned during the early 80's, it was as it is now predominantly Asian, but we never encountered any problems whatsoever, in fact I learned a lot of positive things about my Asian neighbours and their lifestyle which was previously alien to me.


What has happened in the last 30 years, I'm not sure of but the kids causing the problems are the offspring of the young adults we knew then who were well integrated and no problem at all, as awful as the OP's experience is, it doesn't represent an Asian policy of racism towards white folks, it's anti social behaviour with racial overtones, if these youths parents discovered how they were behaving most would be mortified, just as you or I would be if it was our kids.

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Frankly it matters not, the victim of a racist attack should be treated exactly the same and the perpetrators pursued vigorously whatever colour they are.


I lived in the areas in Nether Edge mentioned during the early 80's, it was as it is now predominantly Asian, but we never encountered any problems whatsoever, in fact I learned a lot of positive things about my Asian neighbours and their lifestyle which was previously alien to me.


What has happened in the last 30 years, I'm not sure of but the kids causing the problems are the offspring of the young adults we knew then who were well integrated and no problem at all, as awful as the OP's experience is, it doesn't represent an Asian policy of racism towards white folks, it's anti social behaviour with racial overtones, if these youths parents discovered how they were behaving most would be mortified, just as you or I would be if it was our kids.


Were the Asians in the area first generation immigrants back then? Perhaps the difference between then and now is that these youths are second generation and born and bred in Sheffield. They wouldn't have their parents motivation who came here to work and better themselves, rather they would be undereducated and disaffected with huge unemployment amongst Asian (meaning Pakistani rather than Oriental)) youth.

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I am sick to death of reading about such incidents,it seems to me that some groups seems to be a protected minority and have no desire or wish to be integrated socially with the local community nor indeed contribute to the areas well being.


As far as the local asian youthes are concerned I would be very content for them to be dealt with under Sharia criminal courts albeit the sharia punishments would not be allowed here.


The police will tell us that they respond as quickly as possible, that is if the reported incident is prioritised to warrant an attendance, we will be told of excessive strain on resources. Recruitment is restricted, there are fewer special constables who have full powers after training and the magistrates do not deliver sufficiently deterring sentances on miscreants.

So perhaps it might be better, to look the other way, stay behind the curtains, cross to the other side of the road, dont go out stay at home,

don't go to the pub cos you got to walk home.


And what ever you do don't try to defend yourself cos you just might get locked up yourself!


But try and take heart, remember Vera Lyn "There will allways be an England"


ps and just to put the record straight there's plenty Bad non asians as well

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Were the Asians in the area first generation immigrants back then? Perhaps the difference between then and now is that these youths are second generation and born and bred in Sheffield. They wouldn't have their parents motivation who came here to work and better themselves, rather they would be undereducated and disaffected with huge unemployment amongst Asian (meaning Pakistani rather than Oriental)) youth.


The youths back then were probably 2nd generation, the ones causing the problem are probably their children and therefore 3rd generation, but I'd agree with your theory, a similar path was followed by dis-affected Afro-Caribbean youths in the 70's, however it still doesn't excuse their behaviour.

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