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Nether Edge - problems with youths


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well at least its not just nether edge i mean did anyone see the press about the guy from dore i think it was who walked out and flashed and performed sex acts in front of a teenage girl! hes got 18 months for it thank god, the perv.


What on earth does that have to do with a discussion about Netheredge? Looking through your other posts, you seem desperate to paint a picture of Abbeydale Road/Nether Edge being a lovely, "nice" area.


Ok you've made your point, in YOUR opinion, there's nothing wrong with Abbeydale Road/Nether Edge (it's just like living in Dore really :suspect:). There really is no need to start mentioning things that happen in other areas, it's not going to make Nether Edge seem any better!!!

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andy grow up

i never said there was nothing wrong with nether edge far from it i actually stated several times that things are getting worse recently

secondly the point about dore is not to say ne is better than dore but that even percieved good areas have there problems so as to give the people some re-assurance

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Lower netheredge, abbeydale road, that area has the potential to become a very desirable place to live and visit. Unfortunately it's been on the decline for the last 5 years and is generally getting worse and climbing it's way up the list of sheffield's no-go areas. The violent events that go off seem to be increasing in severity and it's alarming.


Lets hope people stay safe and don't come to harm due to any complacency that may come about after a few "words" of reassurance.

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It may be that people expect more from an area where the houses are attractive, and not especially cheap, and where we have delis and whatnot... Trouble is there is a small minority of complete tossers who could probably do with culling...


So what your saying is im rich let the tossers go to areas where the poor ppl live

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Thanks for all you responces to this thread. I have kept pretty quiet whilst the police did their bit.


They have been to visit the toerag on two occasions, on the first he was not at home, but his family were informed of his behaviour and are horrified at what he has been up to, and yesterday the police interviewed him at his home in the presence of his family.


Of course he denied the allegation, but the police told me the did not believe him and and i guess his cards are marked now.


There will be some who feel this may be a soft approach, but on the advice of the police, i feel on this occasion, a visit by a couple of officers, a stern warning and humiliation in front of his family, whom from an independant source i hear are very repectable people was the correct approach.


There may be some who feel there was no point in reporting it if the kid only got a talking to, i disagree, this kid now knows that the police are aware of his antics, and they and the people of nether edge will not tolerate it.Hopefully he will think twice in future before he starts to be abusive to members of the public,and i would imagine he'll be straight to the cop shop if he carries on.


I hear the police read these forums, so i would like to thank the two officers who visited me on thursday, i was treated with respect and they were proffesional in their approach, and kept informed by phone of progress on more than one occasion.


Without re-reading my posts, i do not believe i ever mentioned this youth was an asian,well he was, but i do not think for one moment this was a racist attack, i personally think he was just living up to his reputation as a nasty little s**t and perhaps showing off in front of his much larger friend. I have lived here for 6 years now and personally have never had a problem before, though i am aware it can and does happen.


So i feel happy knowing this kid knows the authorities and public wont tolerate it, and thanks for all your input



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My mate told me he went to Tesco Express on Abbeydale Road, near The Broadfield, last night. He saw a group of youths at the side of the entrance as he drove in the car park. He parked the car, and walked towards the entrance at an angle, and as he got to about 15 ft from within the entrance, 2 went into the shop, one stayed put, and two started walking directly towards him. As he got to about within 10 ft of the door, one walked across in front of him, and this was timed with the other, so they both passed him, flanking him on either side, within an inch of him on each side. He said he thought they were going to mug him, thank God they didn't but he is no doubt that the act was intentional to frighten him. He's a guy who can really handle himself, but he's got a brain, so didn't want to get involved.


He says he won't be going back there in a hurry, as he felt very vunerable, and he's normally not the type you'd think would say that.

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