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Nether Edge - problems with youths


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I lived in Nether Edge for 15 years but moved recently due to the anti social behaviour of youths in the area. These youths hang around the local shops and broadfield park area, they're wannabe gangsters when they're with all their mates but when you see them on their own they are as meek as anything.


Something needs to be done about them because they are ruining what used to be a nice area.

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I am the Inspector on the Broomhill and Sharrow Safer neighbourhood team. My post isn't intended to challenge anyones comments or views and i'm unable to commit to an on-line exchange as work comittments mean I can only check Forum postings periodically.


If I could ask the gentleman who was assaulted (Shaky 99) to make contact with me. I give you my personal assurance that I will look into the incident and the issue of how you were dealt with by police officers who attended. Please ring 0114 202020 and ask to be put though to Insp Ian Roberts (Broomhill and Sharrow SNA).


I would also ask anyone who has been the victim of a crime or anti-social behaviour in the area to contact my team via our general switchboard number which is 0114 2202020. The matter will be logged and directed through to officers on my team to deal with. I would also invite any local residents to attend the next Partners and communities together meeting (PACT) at the Old Sharrow School at 6pm on Wedneday the 1st of September. During this meeting you can raise any concerns you have and help to direct how police resoures are deployed in your area.


Police and partners have been making genuine and sustained efforts to deal with issues in the area but I readily accept we can and should always look to do more.


My mate told me he went to Tesco Express on Abbeydale Road, near The Broadfield, last night. He saw a group of youths at the side of the entrance as he drove in the car park. He parked the car, and walked towards the entrance at an angle, and as he got to about 15 ft from within the entrance, 2 went into the shop, one stayed put, and two started walking directly towards him. As he got to about within 10 ft of the door, one walked across in front of him, and this was timed with the other, so they both passed him, flanking him on either side, within an inch of him on each side. He said he thought they were going to mug him, thank God they didn't but he is no doubt that the act was intentional to frighten him. He's a guy who can really handle himself, but he's got a brain, so didn't want to get involved.


He says he won't be going back there in a hurry, as he felt very vunerable, and he's normally not the type you'd think would say that.


Darth - see the post I've quoted above yours and get your mate to read it too. As you'll see if you read the update posted by the OP yesterday he's been very happy with the response from the police. And they can't make any efforts to tackle behaviour like this if they're not made aware of it.

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This makes very interesting reading, I moved to Woodstock Road in Nether Edge from Middlesbrough (of all places to come from and too!) in May and I'm still getting a feel for the place, but so far, it seems to me that there are far worse places in the world!


I, myself, have not experienced any anti-social behaviour, even when walking from the town centre late at night with a drink or two inside me. I'm sure things happen, and I'm glad to hear its dealt with accordingly, and hope the action sees a reduction in that kind of behaviour.


Much like Middlesbrough, certain parts seem to have a bad reputation, but I'm yet to experience that. I've found my asian neighbours to be reasonably friendly, more so the younger generation (although that could relate to me being 21 myself).


I'm sure some of you will say "Give it time..." but on first reflexion, Nether Edge ain't all that bad! In my opinion, the incident could have happened in a lot of places, by anyone regardless of race.

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youths hanging around shops are a problem in all bigger cities in a variety of areas and all races. The culture of youth behaviour needs to be changed because there are plenty of countries where youth have a lot mroe to do than in England and are generally not as much of a threat to the general public.

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I was driving down Abbeydale Road last night and witnessed a gang of maybe 7 or 8 youths spread out on the pavement walking in the away from town direction. A female jogger was jogging along the footpath towards them and when they became aware she was approaching, they spread out their arms to make it impossible for her to pass on the footpath. She was forced into the road and just carried on running without making any eye contact with them as it was obviously a horrible position for her to be in. They were not even young kids who I know act like idiots sometimes, but 17 or 18 year olds, all males, who should really know better. I really hope the police can make some progress with behaviour in this area as it is such as shame for the majority of residents who are great citizens, but there does seem to be a significant minority of idiots spoiling it for everyone else.

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Ive lived in nether egde for almost 11years now and im only 16, being a young girl its never been a nice place to grow up. true, nether edge has had a good reputation but the nearer you get towards abbeydale rd. and sharrow areas, the shadier the people. of course its not racism, but that is their race is it not? its not just the young lads either, its their brothers, uncles and cousins who still act like that and allow them to think its ok. bullies are bullied, they're bullied in their homes so they bully others who have a better life than them. they're pathetic and need to stay in their houses and play playstation tbh i have witnessed so many violent incidents and been victim to vulgur comments. its not safe but you have to pretend its a nice area so that when it really is time to get out, someone will buy your house lmao

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So what your saying is im rich let the tossers go to areas where the poor ppl live


I don't know how rich you are, we don't know one another - But I live in this area, and noone round here has much in the way of disposable cash - most people can manage to live their lives with assaulting others, but for a minority who just seem unable to resist attacking normal people going about their business for no real reason... They certainly need culling - not to chuck em out into any other area, cull in the sense of disposal...

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Ive lived in nether egde for almost 11years now and im only 16, being a young girl its never been a nice place to grow up. true, nether edge has had a good reputation but the nearer you get towards abbeydale rd. and sharrow areas, the shadier the people. of course its not racism, but that is their race is it not? its not just the young lads either, its their brothers, uncles and cousins who still act like that and allow them to think its ok. bullies are bullied, they're bullied in their homes so they bully others who have a better life than them. they're pathetic and need to stay in their houses and play playstation tbh i have witnessed so many violent incidents and been victim to vulgur comments. its not safe but you have to pretend its a nice area so that when it really is time to get out, someone will buy your house lmao


what you're saying is asians but why are you only describing them as asians. Do you describe chavs from wybourne the manor and such areas as white people. The majority of Asians settled in Sharrow and Abbedayle road moved from Attercliffe. Their parents came to Sheffield to work in the foundaries from remote villages in Azad Kashmir. You cannot expect them to behave like the middle class's in Netheredge because at the end of the day they are not and that's got nothing to do with them being Asian. A large percentage of Asians in this country especially from Azad Kashmir and Bangladesh came from villages to work in industry. Middle class educated Asians who migrated from towns and cities and did not come to work in industry are much fewer in number in this country and are mainly settled in London.

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Azad Kashmir = the part of Kashmir invaded and occupied by Pakistan. We could equally call these people Indian.


However, when I visited Kashmir the people there wanted to be neither Pakistani nor Indian. They wanted their own state.


So...back to the minor problems of Nether Edge...

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Azad Kashmir = the part of Kashmir invaded and occupied by Pakistan. We could equally call these people Indian.


However, when I visited Kashmir the people there wanted to be neither Pakistani nor Indian. They wanted their own state.


So...back to the minor problems of Nether Edge...


You can't call these people Indian as they are not Indian. No Kashmiri unless he or she is Hindu will tell you they want to be with India. The religious aspect is very important here as most Kashmiris are Muslims and whether they want to be with Pakistan or independent they certainly do not want to be with India.


Which part of Kashmir did you visit?

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