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It's only taken 100 days for Labour to draw level with Tories!

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100 days and nothing has changed....the self serving pigs are still feathering their own nests and some labour mp's are changing sides....

beer is still the same price....so thats a good thing....and diesel is around the same price....and my wage is the same...

one thing has changed though...united have sacked blackwell...but i don't think he's signing on just yet...

oh! and the sun is shining...happy days

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I find this quite astonishing really as the latest opinion poll shows Labour and the Tories neck and neck in the latest opinion poll.


So we've only had them in office for 100 days which is surely still in the honeymoon period, we have most of the media telling us they are doing the right things in tackling the Budget deficit and we have a leaderless Labour party and yet the gap between Labour has swung by 7% towards Labour.


It begs the question what it will belike when their policies start taking effect and Labour gets a permanent leader in place


Oh and as an aside, it looks like meltdown is coming for the Libdems and it gives me no great pleasure to tell you I told you so.




Odd how the latest ICM poll puts the conservatives at 5 points above Labour which is much the same as it was on polling day.


As said before, the only poll that matters now and until the next election is called was on the 5th May this year.

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What exactly have this cobbled up bunch actually done since taking power?

Nothing except talk about what they are going to do, if they all can agree.


They should get on with it.

The big capitalist organisations are waiting with bated breath to start sacking people and closing firms, as they did last time.


They will not wait forever.

They may well start without them.



they have well over 4 years to sort out this country....wouldn't suprise me if the cons and libs...share up the political map of britain....you have that seat and we'll have that one...and lets make the cuts in the areas that voted labour...and it might get them to vote for us...next time....

and build all the nice new houses/schools/hospitals in con/dem areas to show the rest what they could have won....happy days

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The only poll that matters was done 100 days ago.


Was that the one where approximately a third of the electorate who turned out to vote that day were turned away from polling stations without people casting their vote?

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