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It's only taken 100 days for Labour to draw level with Tories!

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so which of the alternative's do you think the ordinary man and woman in the street should vote for?


I personally vote green, but I disagree with some policies, vote green and demand what you want, one can only do what the public wishes to if they have a voice, they need to stand up and say what they want!

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On the assumption that the coalition falls apart during this parliament, David Cameron would remain the Prime Minister. He could attempt to form an alternative coalition with other parties (not likely to succeed as the numbers don't stack up) or continue as a minority Tory government.


If Cameron then lost an important vote, e.g., on the budget or a flag piece of legislation that was in the Tory manifesto, then the Labour leader would probably seek a vote of confidence. If this was lost by the Tories, then Cameron would seek a dissolution of parliament and a general election would be held. The proposed fixed term parliament allows for an early dissolution if the government loses a vote of confidence (nb despite Clegg originally proposing a higher threshold of 55% - he subsequently dropped this idea after massive opposition from Labour and some Tory MPs).


However, a note of caution. The opposition may not choose to seek a vote of confidence if they thought that by winning it they may then not win the subsequent general election. That's because all politicians keep an eye on the current opinion polls!


Oh crickey I do hope Labour get back in so we can start some more illegal wars (we can't finish) shooting muslims.


NO....please God let sense prevail!

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I'm sorry, what has this got to do with David Cameron also supporting the wars? You said a Labour government would mean more illegal wars, but David Cameron says he backs the decisions. You seem to have gone off on an unrelated tangent. :confused: :confused: :confused:


I'm sure there is a good reason behind it though, do share.


Ok then perhaps the fact that he wasn't aware of the real facts and someone was prepared to commit murder & then hide the details of that murder under lock & key for 70 years to keep the whole lie going!



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I've not got the time to look at the minute but I assume then you will concede you are wrong it there is a direct quote from David Cameron made recently that backs the war?


Ok if he concedes he is wrong, then what? Do you think he will change his opinion, will you change yours? The answer is no on both accounts, so what's the point in arguing the toss, since nobody can ever really win an argument and all it does is deepen resentment?

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