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HAARP.Haarmless or Haarmful ?

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I'm not talking about crap lager.


The government say its for communications with submarines and spacecraft/stations.

It also has capabilities for use as a weapon and potential to manipulate the weather.


I think we should get it down,we did without for long enough.

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aye the tinfoil hat is not to keep the mind control rays from the CIA out


it's an instruction that's been planted to keep the mind control rays, from the implants the CIA put in your fillings, in


this instruction was downloaded to everyone with implants in their fillings when they found that the signals interfered with other peoples mobile phones and police radios


I mean come on do you seriously think that you came up with the idea of wearing a ridiculous tinfoil hat on your own ?


you're a sane person, so it's obviously an instruction from a mind control ray that's making you do this


and if the hat blocks the signal then the transmitter must be on the inside to make you keep wearing the hat, right



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I'm not talking about crap lager.


The government say its for communications with submarines and spacecraft/stations.

It also has capabilities for use as a weapon and potential to manipulate the weather.


I think we should get it down,we did without for long enough.


going to get what down - the ionosphere? Be a bit tricky - there is an awful lot of it.

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you will be fine as long as you wear your tinfoil hat shiny side outwards


I know you all love a good chance to take the <REMOVED> and get a cheap:hihi:

but HAARP does have potential and possibly is harming the environment,that is not up for argument it's scientific fact.

Yes it seems some believe they use it to cause"natural"disasters such as the flooding in pakistan and even mind control but this shouldn't distract from its known capabilities.

It is indeed potentially a weapon of mass destruction.

Not something i like to think of orbiting our planet,out of concern for the environment as much as anything.


My tinfoil hat can't protect the earth,its a bit small for me,only had a Kit Kat wrapper.:(

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I know you all love a good chance to take the <REMOVED> and get a cheap:hihi:

but HAARP does have potential and possibly is harming the environment,that is not up for argument it's scientific fact.

Yes it seems some believe they use it to cause"natural"disasters such as the flooding in pakistan and even mind control but this shouldn't distract from its known capabilities.

It is indeed potentially a weapon of mass destruction.

Not something i like to think of orbiting our planet,out of concern for the environment as much as anything.


My tinfoil hat can't protect the earth,its a bit small for me,only had a Kit Kat wrapper.:(


Cobblers. It's a radio transmitter, nothing more. It has no means of mass destruction unless you are stupid enough to walk in from of the beams and stand there for a while. If HAARP is bad, then so is the Emley TV mast, Holme Moss, Belmont etc - all are in the same ball park in power output delivered to the horizon.


All haarp does is ionise a little of the ionosphere so you can study it. It's a vastly smaller scale than the Northern Lights.

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Cobblers. It's a radio transmitter, nothing more. It has no means of mass destruction unless you are stupid enough to walk in from of the beams and stand there for a while. If HAARP is bad, then so is the Emley TV mast, Holme Moss, Belmont etc - all are in the same ball park in power output delivered to the horizon.


All haarp does is ionise a little of the ionosphere so you can study it. It's a vastly smaller scale than the Northern Lights.


Can you offer any evidence of that(those in the same ball park).

It comes down to trust again-what they do with it now,or in the future.

I don't trust the government one bit.

Oh no, what about the children, we should march to the town hall right now, no need to check the science, just panic.

The science is checked,it is potentially very harmful.

The question is weather it IS causing harm.

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Cobblers. It's a radio transmitter, nothing more. It has no means of mass destruction unless you are stupid enough to walk in from of the beams and stand there for a while. If HAARP is bad, then so is the Emley TV mast, Holme Moss, Belmont etc - all are in the same ball park in power output delivered to the horizon.


All haarp does is ionise a little of the ionosphere so you can study it. It's a vastly smaller scale than the Northern Lights.


It's about 4 times the power of Emley Moor, however it's in Alaska.


A standard thickness AFDB (Aluminium Foil Deflector Beenie) should protect you from this, along with all the other shadow government & alien mind control waves.

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