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HAARP.Haarmless or Haarmful ?

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i'm just some crazy conspiricy theorist talking crap,


Indeed - the frustrating thing is that you appear to be quite happy to remain so and show no inclination to actually educate yourself. Perhaps starting with some GCSE's in science subjects or an A level in critical thinking might be a good starting place?

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Indeed - the frustrating thing is that you appear to be quite happy to remain so and show no inclination to actually educate yourself. Perhaps starting with some GCSE's in science subjects or an A level in critical thinking might be a good starting place?



Well some people have made tv programmes and news reports about it to inform us thickheads .

all ive done is put some comments on a forum.

get over yourself please.

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Well some people have made tv programmes and news reports about it to inform us thickheads .

all ive done is put some comments on a forum.

get over yourself please.


Almost all of which suggest you've got all the critical faculties of a gnat.

Seroiusly, try educating yourself, the benefits are enormous.

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Well some people have made tv programmes and news reports about it to inform us thickheads .

all ive done is put some comments on a forum.

get over yourself please.


Tell me please what is the point in debating anything with you, when you say at the start , that nothing will change your mind anyway? All it is a ******* contest by yourself to whinge and whine and moan and posture yourself as the great big saviour and exposee of the nasty big Govt.


I meet your kind all the time. You are divisive, invidious, weaselly and have no function whatsoever with your close minded bigoted attitude. All you do is take and consume, you contribute nothing. I'd rather spend my time on stimulating and enjoyable conversations with other people who have something to give back so both sides benefit.

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Almost all of which suggest you've got all the critical faculties of a gnat.

Seroiusly, try educating yourself, the benefits are enormous.



So,can anyone at least direct me to a link that describes how it works.

and what it does ?In layman's terms.(or gnat brain terms if poss.):huh:

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If I hadn't encountered the OP in the 9/11 thread I'd have a go at an explanation but I suspect I'd be in for a long tedious series of corrections. However if peopole are interested I'll have a go at an explanation




I'm interested.


I know very little about this, so a (simple, if that's possible) explanation would be good. I've had a quick look at Wikipedia, but didn't understand it.

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I'm interested.


I know very little about this, so a (simple, if that's possible) explanation would be good. I've had a quick look at Wikipedia, but didn't understand it.


The Earth is surrounded by various layers of ionised gases, which are given various names, such as the D layer, the E layer, the Heaviside layer (yes that's the one that is referenced in Cats) and the F1 anf F2 layers.


All these layers exist at various heights from about 50 miles to over a thousand miles high and consist of very thin gases that are ionised by the Sun. When the sun is doing it's sunspotty thing during solar maximums (we are in a deep minimum at the moment, give it 5 years and it'll be a maximum again) these gas layers are highly ionised by the solar radiation.


The reason it's of interest is that the layers reflect radio waves of a particular frequency, mainly the HF bands which are just above the AM radio broadcast bands, and below the old black and white TV bands. If you have ever heard long distance European radio stations like Radio Luxembourg, or Radio Moscow suddenly appear on an AM radio set as it got dark then you have heard ionospheric radio reflections.


Amateur radio makes extensive use of these as well to transmit worldwide - if the conditions are right then a small portable radio can easily be used to read Australia and vice versa.


Now, the exact actions of these layers isn't well known - they are difficult to study. The HAARP project runs a powerful HF transmitter which is directional and beams radio energy up through the ionosphere into space. Along the way it runs through these layers and heats them fractionally in a small patch about a mile square over the antenna system which is in Alaska. This heating effect is tiny - a small fraction of a percent of the heating that the Sun deliveres. However, because it's controllable you can turn it on, and then measure the radio propogation of the patch and see how it changes - this allows research to be done on it to find out how it works, and how better to improve long range radio.

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Tell me please what is the point in debating anything with you, when you say at the start , that nothing will change your mind anyway? All it is a ******* contest by yourself to whinge and whine and moan and posture yourself as the great big saviour and exposee of the nasty big Govt.


I meet your kind all the time. You are divisive, invidious, weaselly and have no function whatsoever with your close minded bigoted attitude. All you do is take and consume, you contribute nothing. I'd rather spend my time on stimulating and enjoyable conversations with other people who have something to give back so both sides benefit.


Only on 9/11

.The evidence supporting official story just wasn't there,it should have been,for all to see.

evidence to support the "conspiricy theory" is and was on 9/11.

you cant change that ,unless i suppose they released all of the CCTV images taken by FBI and held "for reasons of national security"

And came up with a good reason to list innocent people sill alive as being guilty of a terrible crime.

Answers on 9/11 conspiricy thread please.

This is about Haarp,harmful or harmless ?

up to now it seems its pretty harmless im actually not too worried about it now thanks to you guys ,your obviously very inteligent ,thanks.:hihi:

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