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Immigration = Youth Unemployment

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It appears that immigration is a big factor when considering youth unemployment.


Youth Unemployment Linked to Immigration

August 18, 2010

Coinciding with the release of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) statistics, Migrationwatch have today issued a research paper examining whether youth unemployment and immigration are linked (Briefing Paper 3.11).


The paper finds that the relationship between immigration and youth unemployment is positive and significant in those areas that have experienced the highest rates of immigration.


In the case of those local authorities outside London with the highest proportion of immigrants, the relationship is very strong showing that for every one thousand immigrants into these areas, on average, the number of youth unemployed rises by around 900.


Statistical correlation is not, in itself, proof of causality but a correlation as high as this is, to say the least, highly indicative.


Commenting, Sir Andrew Green, Chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said


"People have tiptoed around this issue for far too long. Many factors contribute to youth unemployment but this research suggests that immigration is a significant factor in areas of high immigration. The case for getting immigration down to sensible levels, as the government have promised, gets stronger by the day"


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Any sensible person would of course assume that that statistic means that immigrants tend to live in areas where there is higher unemployment, but oh no, migrationwatch does its normal thing and comes up with the ridiculous reasoning that this means the immigrant is causing the unemployment, based on no evidence whatsoever.


Based on less than no evidence. As you point out yourself, immigration is creating jobs according to these numbers.

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Don't talk BS, I haven't seen many immigrants on less money than me.


A lot of Eastern Europeans are being exploited by agencies essentially working for WALMART.


The question is, are these immigrants that are being exploited, taking our exploitative jobs. Surely we should be ripping off our own?


Youth unemployment is very high.

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