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Immigration = Youth Unemployment

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I'm surprised that anyone should be surprised that immigration has had a depressing effect on youth employment, especially during a period of recession. It's all very well to dismiss the Migration Watch conclusions out of hand as valueless but have those who do so any statistics that would be deemed more reliable ?



You're missing the point. The Migration Watch figures themselves prove the MW conclusion to be false.

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1000 immigrants means 900 more unemployed? Really? So that immigrant is actually creating 100 jobs?

As per usual misquoting/misconstruing what has been written.


Anyone with half a brain could see that it meant 900 fewer jobs for British people.

But then again you'd have to have half a brain not no brain.:loopy:

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perhaps a more useful set of questions are:


why do employers allegedly favour immigrants over indigenous youth?


Very true.

Whilst there is unemployment here every immigrant coming in causes yet more unemployment.

This means paying out more jobseekers allowance to the unemployed along with the monmey sent out of the country to their familys by the the ever increasing number of immigrants.

If that makes sense I'd like to know how, you can't make our people go after jobs that don't exist.

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Read the figures. An influx of 1,000 workers has led to unemployment of only 900; that's a net increase of one hundred jobs.


You are missing the real point. It's about WHO is doing these jobs in Britain - British people, or foreigners.


And yes, it does matter.

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Many British employers like foreign labourers because they will work hard for peanuts and have no awareness of their rights. This is why they are preferred to our youth and cause youth unemployment amongst people born in England.

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Many British employers like foreign labourers because they will work hard for peanuts and have no awareness of their rights. This is why they are preferred to our youth and cause youth unemployment amongst people born in England.


Hopefully this new government will make the able bodied, long-term unemployed people's lives very uncomfortable, forcing them into work of ANY kind to EARN money and contribute to society.


The undeserving poor that watch Jeremy Kyle and sit on Facebook all day need to be hit hard.

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Hopefully this new government will make the able bodied, long-term unemployed people's lives very uncomfortable, forcing them into work of ANY kind to EARN money and contribute to society.


The undeserving poor that watch Jeremy Kyle and sit on Facebook all day need to be hit hard.


Whose Jeremy Kyle...and how do you know?:huh:

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