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Good/excellent child friendly pubs and restaurants


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Yep - lets get a list of child friendly pubs - that the rest of us can avoid


Why would you want to avoid it? You must be a very sad individual if thats the way you think. Most European bars and restaurants cater for families. Obviously you must be one of the lager louts that this country is infected with!! I would be extremely glad to present you with a list of the pubs and restaurants that we as a family go to simply so we don't have to mix with the likes of you!

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I went to The Stag on Psalter Lane last Saturday evening with my sister and her family, including nieces aged 5 and 2. They have a huge outside play area for kids and the menu and food looked nice, though we didn't eat there so I can't say if it was or not!


It was a fairly standard pub menu, but you can eat in the garden if its sunny, so the children can play!


It took me aaages to find a place that we could go with them, so yes, a list of child friendly places would be very useful!

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