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Enough is enough-A Radical New York Approach to Crime

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Crime hasn't increased, it's the perception of crime that's gone up thanks to the internet and rolling news channels.


Spot on. The numerous witch-hunts across this forum should be evidence enough of that. People like to rattle their sabre's at something or other: news reports on crime and the 'breakdown of society' give them exactly what they want. The news portrays society as continually lurching from crisis to crisis, and many people buy into it.

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The broken windows theory is flawed.


You can test the flaws if you wish by smashing some windows and observing the outcome.


Smash some windows;


Window 1: A house occupied by a politician earning £65k + expenses & pension

The window will be repaired very quickly and the cost put down as expenses.


Window 2: A house occupied by a working person whom is poor.

The window will be boarded up and eventually repaired if the worker's funds allow.


Window 3: That window of an abandoned building, for example a closed factory.

The window will remain broken and most likely remain broken until the building the window occupies is demolished.


Broken windows are essentially a measure of very localised poverty.

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Yeah right! You'll believe any old tosh! Wait until you are a victim of crime & it takes best part of 8 months for the crime to reach resolution through the courts & justice system!


No crime= quick and swift justice?


Ignorance is bliss matey.... you keep on believing!


I think he/she is right. You've turned it on it's head for your own argument by changing the meaning. Quite cleverly, and unseen to the average numpty.


What has number of crimes in figures, got to do with the time for justice?


What that poster said about media influence is so obvious that the majority can see it but miss it, why? because this majority has been created by such poor thinkers.


That is 'red-tape' that you are talking of. Red tape is another topic, but I would probably agree with your views on that, given your views on this.




I can provide figures if you wish, as I boringly had to study this topic for an essay, so I have links...


I'll give you an example to start with: How many dangerous dogs crimes were reported before the papers started to scare people? And how many were reported after they were posted in the papers?


More examples include:


binge drinking,

teenage louts,

ecstasy death drug,


I could go on, but I won't to save you from my waffling :hihi:

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Yeah right! You'll believe any old tosh! Wait until you are a victim of crime & it takes best part of 8 months for the crime to reach resolution through the courts & justice system!


No crime= quick and swift justice?


Ignorance is bliss matey.... you keep on believing!


The facts are that crime levels are down and we live in a very low-crime country. You can choose not to believe the facts if you wish.

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The facts are that crime levels are down and we live in a very low-crime country. You can choose not to believe the facts if you wish.


'Evidence? But... I find evidence tends to cloud my reactionary judgement.'


Seemingly, for many it's much more fun to believe everything printed in the Daily Mail and spat out by ITN news.

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