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70 years ago today: "Never, In The Field Of Human Conflict

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I watched reflections of the Battle Of Britain earlier this morning, it's unbelievable that these young men, got into patched together aeroplanes, took to flight and engaged in dog fights thousands of feet up in the air.


Seeing the few of 'The Few' who remain is a reminder to us all of their bravery, the sacrifices they made and the legacy they will leave behind. Hats off to all of them :thumbsup:


Well said boyfriday, we today have no concept of what our brave mostly teenages did I will take my hat off to them, all those at home and on active service had a grit to get through it. John Wane had a film "True Grit" I know it was only a film, but the message was there and the people and all those involved from the services, Home Guard, Land Army and Nurses played a stunnig part. And thanks to all their efforts we are all here today.


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Hey Mouse on the whole I agree, but I wasn't actually making a claim merely asking the question. As I eluded to, and you actually said Churchill was 'Spinning' the facts, and I have no problem with that, I just feel the record should be set straight.

As an aside I think it strange that we lump into one mass (the Commonwealth) a large group of independent nations, I'm not sure how else to do it I have to say, but it reminds me of some American commentators when they are critical of 'Europeans' without understanding the diversity and the independence of this group of nations.

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Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty.

So bear ourselves, but if the British Empire and it's commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, this was our finest hour.



It did not last that long did it! We are not a land fit for heroes any more!

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Didnt take long for the thread to turn into another political p*ss and moan rant I see.


Are you for real? What did you think those brave people were fighting for....just the very fun of it? It was to oust a political idiology that was deemed unacceptable! Sorry if i dragged politics into it....but like it or not that's what our brave lads and lasses (that sound wrong saying how old they will be now)...but you get the point don't you!


What's your beef anyway....that you couldn't be part of it....when did your lot turn up '42?

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Britain began to lose her Empire after WW2 and began a process that gradually brought her back to being a European nation only, albeit still an economically powerful one.


It happened to France, Spain and Portugal


And all for the better if you ask me!

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If anyone has not been to the War Rooms in London I highly recommend a visit.


It's amazing that a World War was won using some maps, drawing pins, string and a telephone.


The spitfires and lancasters had nothing to do with it then and neither did the gallantry of the foot soldier!:loopy:

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Good points Bedders, I was chatting to a colleague earlier about whether war really was futile or actually a necessary element of human development because of it's galvanising features.


Although I believe today's young adults are generally sound people, they are detached from the some of the harsher realities of life, and indeed the exploits of people their own age from 70 years ago and the reasons why they were fighting.


That's the point I was trying to make BF...but it seems lost on most people who seem to see it as a political moan & groan. Point i was trying to make is that the younger generation take for granted the sacrifices that the WW2 generation made (allowing them the freedoms & the standards of living that their generation could only dream of)..... this happened usually against the odds with the foe having superior technology (a good chunk of the time).


We owe them forever a debt of gratitude......but how many will think so?

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