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EU a bottomless money pit?

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No we don't. We give them our money, they cream off a huge chunk in admin costs, give a load to bulgaria and then give a bit of it back to us.


If the money stayed in England there would be far more available for helping sheffield becuase it wouldn't be paying for fancy lunches for fat EU autocrats and new motorways in Romania.


How much of the UK's contribution to the EU is from SY, how much does SY get back from the EU?


You must have some figures to make your claim.

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How much of the UK's contribution to the EU is from SY, how much does SY get back from the EU?


You must have some figures to make your claim.


Well unless you are suggesting we are all tax avoiding benfit cheats i'd guess we pay our fair share into the tax pot in South Yorkshire. Which then gets given to the EU scum, who spend a load on fancy dinners for their fat selves and wives, then it gets given to EU "administrators" who take a load more then whatever is left eventualy is given back via the likes of A4e and yorkshire forward who all take their cut and finally 43p ends up in yorkshire even though it cost us £28,000 to get it.


You would have to be the stupidist person on the planet to not realise channelling our money though layers of eu beucrocracy will not reduce the net ammount we get. Please tell me you are not that thick?

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Well unless you are suggesting we are all tax avoiding benfit cheats i'd guess we pay our fair share into the tax pot in South Yorkshire. Which then gets given to the EU scum, who spend a load on fancy dinners for their fat selves and wives, then it gets given to EU "administrators" who take a load more then whatever is left eventualy is given back via the likes of A4e and yorkshire forward who all take their cut and finally 43p ends up in yorkshire even though it cost us £28,000 to get it.


You would have to be the stupidist person on the planet to not realise channelling our money though layers of eu beucrocracy will not reduce the net ammount we get. Please tell me you are not that thick?


Before its given to the EU, it goes through the UK 'scum', whom receive it back.


And the loss of money in that system is easy to see, but your figures are plucked out of thin air.


As it stands, South Yorkshire most likely benefits benefits from the EU. Unlike the UK as a whole.

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How angry do people have to get before something is done about it?


It doesn't really matter how angry we get, the politicians know if they held a referendum, they'd lose. That's why they won't let us have one. (You don't think we live in a democracy, do you?)


The EU is a retirement home for failed/corrupt politicians and a vast exercise in self-aggrandisement.


Read and weep.

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Objective 1 funding for South Yorkshire has been provided for the following and more;


Howard St

The City Hall

Sheffield 35A Business Park

Waverley Road Scheme

Sheffield Station

Sheffields Bioincubator

Constuction Design center



What is the tiny fraction SY has received from the EU you mention, when compared to the the amount SY has contributed to the EU?


You forgot to mention that SY is no longer in receipt of Objective 1 funding. Although SY is still one of the poorest regions in Western Europe, the EU regional aid budget is increasingly being targeted at the 2004 and 2007 entrants (e.g. Poland, Romania, Bulgaria etc). In effect, British taxpayers over the next few years will be contributing to 'regional aid' - but increasingly the principal beneficiaries will be our Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian fellow 'EU citizens'.


Moreover, your argument concerning the benefits SY has received from the ERDF (and ESF) ignores the 'opportunity cost' factor. In other words, some of the amounts given by the UK to the EU could well have been channelled into a national (as distinct from an EU) regional aid budget. Indeed, the UK might even have spent more on its regions, if it had been outside the EU. This argument is surely reinforced by the direction that the EU regional aid budget is likely to take for the foreseeable future.

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It doesn't really matter how angry we get, the politicians know if they held a referendum, they'd lose. That's why they won't let us have one. (You don't think we live in a democracy, do you?)


The EU is a retirement home for failed/corrupt politicians and a vast exercise in self-aggrandisement.


Read and weep.


Well said.


And no, I don't think we live in a real democracy. It's just a pity that so many people still think we do. The fact that we can do nothing about this rather proves it.

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Read this in a letter to the paper:


'As all the politicians stress, reduction of the national debt is of critical importance, However, no one has mentioned the annual cost of EU membership.

The UK would be £101 billion a year better off if we left this fraud-ridden club.

This would clear the national deficit in a couple of years.


A cost / benefit analysis of Britain's membership is urgently needed. Followed by the referendum the leaders of major parties have promised.'


£101 billion!!

No wonder the politicians don't want to talk about it.

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...and the double whammy is that, having blatantly deceived the voters at elections by promising a referendum and then reneging on that promise, we daily see things that affect us all. Things such as Human Rights (usually reserved for those who value others' Human Rights pretty low down the scale), sending our money to eastern Europe for kids who probably don't even exists, Health & Safety clamping down on everyday behaviour (while ignoring far more dangerous things if the fat cats control them) etc. etc.


The politicians response? 'Not our fault, guv. Our hands are tied!'


Well untie them. But of course, you won't.

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