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Cheapest Air Con service for a car?

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there's a place in Manila, Philippines called Jimmy's. That's one place where, unlike here, you need air con in cars. The temperature never drops below about 20. Having aircon in cars in northern Europe is just self indulgent and is only slight less ridiculous than having heating systems in a place like that would be.

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there's a place in Manila, Philippines called Jimmy's. That's one place where, unlike here, you need air con in cars. The temperature never drops below about 20. Having aircon in cars in northern Europe is just self indulgent and is only slight less ridiculous than having heating systems in a place like that would be.


...says the person who never, ever does anything self indulgent just because they can and it makes them feel more comfortable? No, thought not.

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sure people can spend their money however they like, however silly it is, but once I gave a push start to somebody in the UK who'd flattened their battery somehow because they said they'd left their aircon on.


I was nonplussed. It wasn't even 20 degrees. In about a third of the world, it never gets below about that temperature even at 4am on the coldest night of the year. I can readily see the point for aircon in those places, but not in somewhere like Sheffield where it will only get above 20 about 35 days a year, and above 25, about 10 if you're lucky.


in hot countries where the average temperature for each day of the year is over 30, and where every car is fitted with airconditioning and not a single one have heaters, 25 is regarded as being cool. 20, and you literally see people shivering and putting on layers of clothing to feel warmer.

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As interesting as this may be to someone who is impressed that you have been to the Philippines, it doesn't really address the question asked by the OP, does it?


Before you tell us any more about how hot it is in the Philippines, where I understand even the fridges are warm enough to cook an egg in, or something, perhaps you might consider that air conditioning doesn't mean 'air cooling' - it means air conditioning. That involves drying the air (oh, I know, in some places in the middle of the Atlantic, 8 feet under water, it is much more humid than Sheffield, tell me about it - I'm sure you will) and optionally cooling it, or heating it.


I'd be interested to know the actual answer to the OPs question, if anyone has one. Preferably within 10 miles of Sheffield. We're not all as well travelled as you callippo.

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some places, you need, or might like to have, cars that have both air con and heaters. It gets hot enough in summer to warrant the former, and cold enough in winter to warrant the latter.


but most places, you just need one or the other. Don't know about you, but I'm a firm believer in the basic principle that if you don't need it, then don't bother with it.

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some places, you need, or might like to have, cars that have both air con and heaters. It gets hot enough in summer to warrant the former, and cold enough in winter to warrant the latter.


but most places, you just need one or the other. Don't know about you, but I'm a firm believer in the basic principle that if you don't need it, then don't bother with it.


I think I've made my position clear.


I see you are still persisting with your view that air conditioning is just about temperature, despite this being wrong.


So when are you getting your unnecessary second lung removed?

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I see you are still persisting with your view that air conditioning is just about temperature, despite this being wrong.


huh? Nobody would possibly want to use it unless the temperature is above 25 degrees, and really it's more like 30 degrees.


it's expensive for a start. It uses up a lot of juice. Putting on the aircon in your house when it's only 15 degrees would be like putting central heating on at the same temp. Downright silly.


for me personally, when its 25, a fan is enough. 30, and yes, you start to think about aircon. 35, and aircon becomes totally necessary like central heating is when it dips below about 5 degrees.

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I see you are still persisting with your view that air conditioning is just about temperature, despite this being wrong.


huh? Nobody would possibly want to use it unless the temperature is above 25 degrees, and really it's more like 30 degrees.


I find my air conditioning (set to a warm temperature) clears my car's windscreen most effectively in the winter as it uses dry air.


In my previous car but one I had climate control, which ensured that the temperature in the car was always 18 degrees, which is perfect for me. Some days it warmed the air up a bit, some days it warmed it up a lot. Some days it cooled it down a bit, and some days it cooled it down a lot.


Of course it isn't necessary, but then one could argue that neither was the stereo, and certainly 6 of the 8 speakers weren't needed, and nor were second and fifth gears - I could have got by without them. It didn't need carpet, or a sunvisor, or a rev counter, or an arm rest, or little pneumatic things to open the boot, or a heated window, or electric mirrors, or any number of other things that it came with, and which I maintained because a) they made the car nicer and b) they meant the car was worth something when I sold it.


I presume you remove all these and similar fripperies from your cars, or if things break you just leave them broken?

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