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Is it time to put Lockerbie to bed

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it's just a shame for the angry American families that they never got justice, in the sense that they never really got their day in court. How could they possibly. The people that did it, the Syrians and the Palestinians that carried out the Lockerbie murders, are nearly all dead. The Israelis killed them. Not on behalf of America, but because they were a threat to Israel also.

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So you think that the people who lost family didnt deserve any consideration?

The Lockerbie bomber according to the news this morning is, one year later, very much alive and well and enjoying life to the full in Libya.


This whole thing stunk of corruption from the very beginning. The Scots doctors who examined him and diagnosed terminal cancer with three months to live were either complete idiots or pressured by certain interests. The best theory so far and a very plausible one is that in exchange for his release offshore oil drilling rights would be granted to BP by Khadaffi.


As far as Scotland is concerned they've banged on for too long about independence. It's no wonder that in recent years more and more people in England have taken to flying the St George flag instead of the Jack. I would be one too if I still lived in England


Dont have any inhibitions about wearing a kilt if your so pro Scottish. There are probably worse looking legs around than yours even :hihi:


To start with you make a statement that I am pro Scottish, you dont know me from Adam. I enjoy my life in Scotland at the side of the sea with no neighbours.


Second point. most of Scotland do not want Independance so your facts are wrong.


Third point. You have no idea about my legs that comment is a cheap jive.


Forth Point. You need to understand that a predicted diagnosis was based on the time of examination and unless you have the knowledge of medical science the prediction is nothing more than a guess. He could have lived 1 month or 24 months, what is your problem.


And finally you state you dont live in the UK so where do you live.

The Guy has been sent home to die, so what is your problem. Decision made end of story. He was used as an escape goat just leave it and if you have proof otherwise not the internet provide the information to those who are in power.

But sadly for you the actions taken by the Scottish goverment can not be reversed

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"Again" might not be accurate. He never had chemo, or radiotherapy, while in Scotland. Another reason why the estimated time left to live was a joke.


Why was it a joke? Cancer prognosis's are notoriously difficult to predict. It may well be the case that Megrahi would have died in three months if he remained in prison. There is lots of anecdotal evidence where people who are given a very poor prognosis have managed to confound the doctors predictions, by living long enough to see their daughter get married, or some other big event, only to die a week later.

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As in any trial. If further evidence came to light why wasnt a retrial ordered?


This is normal procedure in any case such as this unless the Scots judges have a tendency to become somewhat fuzzy minded through too much imbibing of the old Drambuie


So when your argument is questioned you revert to cheap comments.

Not only is Scotland run by men in kilts, but now the the Legal system is made up of "fuzzy minded judges high on Drambuie"


I think you would be a very brave person to visit Scotland with your attitude.

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After arguing back and forth on this subject no one has been able to provide any sound evidence that he was innocent.


Vague references to "Syrians" being responsible is hardly a counter argument.

Where's the proof, who were these Syrians?


The best that anyone could come up with was the "The families of the victims thought Mahagri might be innocent"


Releasing him on compassionate grounds due to his condition is a crock.

Dont prisons in Scotland have hospitals and medical staff? He could have met his end peacefully in the prison hospital ward


As usual the trend these days is to shed crocodile tears for the perpetrator and ignore the feelings of the victims

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So when your argument is questioned you revert to cheap comments.

Not only is Scotland run by men in kilts, but now the the Legal system is made up of "fuzzy minded judges high on Drambuie"


I think you would be a very brave person to visit Scotland with your attitude.


I've been to Scotland. Spent a week in Edinburgh. Lovely city, nice people.


That's nothing to do with fuzzy minded judges and incompetent doctors


Not the peoples fault if the judicial system is a mickey mouse affair.

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I've been to Scotland. Spent a week in Edinburgh. Lovely city, nice people.


That's nothing to do with fuzzy minded judges and incompetent doctors


Not the peoples fault if the judicial system is a mickey mouse affair.


Just because you do not agree with the decision does not make it a Mickey Mouse system.

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Let sleeping dogs lie, we seem to have a which Hunt from those who feel it was a wrong dececion by Scotland. It happened and will not be reversed.

David Cameron has now said it was wrong, What a suprise. It was a Scotland decesion not Westminster and it has happened and bleeting about it is not going to change that.


America are bieng a pain in the butt and if they are so high and mighty stop the wars that is causing so many deaths.

sandie, thats about the first ever post of yours ive agreed with :P


1: its done, whinging wont change things

2: theres still questions over his guilt anyway, even releatives have said it might notve been him

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sandie, thats about the first ever post of yours ive agreed with :P


1: its done, whinging wont change things

2: theres still questions over his guilt anyway, even releatives have said it might notve been him



I'm sure the families of the victims will thus stop whinging and take their life long sadness and grieving to a quiet corner and stop being an inconvenient nuisance

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