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Government urged to reveal 'true' national debt of £4.8 trillion

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The National Debt is not a new thing, in fact in 1711 the Tories had a bright idea of selling it off, so privatisation is not a new phenomenon. The company who took on the debt was the South Sea Company and later after quite a bit of spin many people lost a lot of money, it became known as the South Sea Bubble Scandal.

I was told that history repeats itself, so watch out similar developments.




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Yep that's about the sum of it. I believe in equality which by your quotation you do not!


I don't remember the public sector threatening to come out on strike in support of us in the private sector during this greedy bankers & pee poor legislated recession....leading to thousands of jobs shed, stay at home on half wages, accept zero pay rises? Did i miss that public sector revolution of support or something?


Whilst they were still sitting pretty, early back in 1997 one of Gordons worst moves was taxing private sector pensions till the pips squeaked.(Chancellor 1997 introduces 10% tax on pension schemes). As a result we now have no final salary & our pensions have been taxed to pay for illegal wars & nay-do-gooders! Apparantly the tax payer is expected to cough up more to forfill the final salary obligations of the public sector, whilst we all got ripped off by the government & money men & all that was brushed under the carpet.


Now the public sector has to endure what we did.....and if you asking me if i feel sorry for them no......because at the time they did not feel sorry for us sat in their ivory towers with their alright jack & final salary pensions.


I'm sorry but that is the mentality the last 13 years of the past administration has created in me. When someone feels sorry for me I'll return the favour!


I know i've gone off on a tangent as we were talking about the VAT but i just wanted to explain my reasoning!


Did you call for the private sector to go on strike for any of these reasons? If you had like other strikers you would find the public sector unions giving what support and solidarity they could to your cause, like they did for the Gate Gourmet workers, the Vesta workers, the workers at William Cook etc.


What you are blaming public sector unions for would not only be illegal for them to do, but also totally ridiculous when those affected never took any strike action.

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Hmmm....I thought that as he passed each floor he was heard to say "so far so good"

England suffered a massive recession and depression in the 1920's and 1930's...BUT....guess what?

By 1939 it had mustered the resources to fight a massive world war.

Such is the nature of Britain being skint!:loopy:



Great Britian has only recently finished paying of the debt ( it has taken over 60 years) to the USA for suppling the tools of war to fight the 1939/45 war.

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The IES according to Wikipedia styles itself as the UK's pre-eminent free-market think-tank. Since the banking crisis has made it patently clear that the free market without regulation costs us trillions of pounds


Reading this at the moment:




Excellent read. It demolishes just about everything the IEA stands for

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Did you call for the private sector to go on strike for any of these reasons? If you had like other strikers you would find the public sector unions giving what support and solidarity they could to your cause, like they did for the Gate Gourmet workers, the Vesta workers, the workers at William Cook etc.


What you are blaming public sector unions for would not only be illegal for them to do, but also totally ridiculous when those affected never took any strike action.


To be honest there is no point in going on strike. Where i work, one of the factories in another country went on strike (in protest) when they started making cuts......so they transfered all their work load to us. The miners showed the little point of striking; pride...yes, loss of wages & no resolution though.


Point i was getting at (to the extreme) is that no one stood up & supported us (even verbally) in the public sector when we (in the private sector) had to eat poo, now they are bleating like they are the ones that have it rough!


Like i say they can't do anything for us.....so don't expect us to do anything for them. If they make mass redunadancies....we've already been there stop bleating.....if they lose their final salaries, we've already been there stop bleating!

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I take it you don't work in the public sector then, or you might be one of the 'scrotes' before long...


No i work in the private sector where we've had two lots of redunadancies (losing many friends / work mates), lost our final salary pensions & sat at home on reduced wages. Been there & done that whilst the public sector sat pretty unconcerned!

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To be honest there is no point in going on strike. Where i work, one of the factories in another country went on strike (in protest) when they started making cuts......so they transfered all their work load to us. The miners showed the little point of striking; pride...yes, loss of wages & no resolution though.


So you admit your original post on this thread blaming public sector workers for not having gone on strike in defence of the private sector was not your opinion?


Point i was getting at (to the extreme) is that no one stood up & supported us (even verbally) in the public sector when we (in the private sector) had to eat poo, now they are bleating like they are the ones that have it rough!


Like i say they can't do anything for us.....so don't expect us to do anything for them. If they make mass redunadancies....we've already been there stop bleating.....if they lose their final salaries, we've already been there stop bleating!


Bedders again you have your facts wrong. Privat Sector unions supported the various motions at the TUC that dealt with these issues and even when we were on strike defending our pensions, we put that in the context of the attacks on public and private sector.


As for redundancies and pay cuts, where I work we have faced just the same as the private sector, our pay has been held down more than average private sector pay rises and our staffing reduced by a sixth, more than the private sector has on average.


Your we've had it worse and the poor us arguments don't bear any relation to the evidence. Your excuses are feeble and blame of other workers for a problem nothing to do with them just reflects badly on your views.

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  • 2 months later...

Channel 4 program tonight on the UK's £4.8 trillion debt.


Film maker Martin Durkin explains the full extent of the financial mess we are in: an estimated £4.8 trillion of national debt and counting. It's so big that even if every home in the UK was sold it wouldn't raise enough cash to pay it off.




Only just over 4 years before it more than doubles mind.


UK debt expected to reach £10 trillion by 2015


Crisis? What crisis? Surely we don't need spending cuts, we need to spend and borrow more. Let's spend our way out of debt, that's the answer.



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No i work in the private sector where we've had two lots of redunadancies (losing many friends / work mates),unconcerned!



Wow they don't just lay them off, they kill them!?!?!?!? Harsh.


Public sector workers had a great life while you ate poo?!?!?!? Are you mad, simple or both?

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Channel 4 program tonight on the UK's £4.8 trillion debt.






Only just over 4 years before it more than doubles mind.


UK debt expected to reach £10 trillion by 2015


Crisis? What crisis? Surely we don't need spending cuts, we need to spend and borrow more. Let's spend our way out of debt, that's the answer.



Last night's Channel 4 documentary on Britains £4.8 TRILLIONS of debt, should surely be a wake up call for us all in Britain!

It should be made compulsory viewing in all schools,universities and public sector departments!..............when the public sector has become larger than the private sector regardless of where you wish to apportion blame......................be very,very afraid!

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