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Government urged to reveal 'true' national debt of £4.8 trillion

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Last night's Channel 4 documentary on Britains £4.8 TRILLIONS of debt, should surely be a wake up call for us all in Britain!

It should be made compulsory viewing in all schools,universities and public sector departments!..............when the public sector has become larger than the private sector regardless of where you wish to apportion blame......................be very,very afraid!


Simple question. Is the £4.8trn the result of spending on the public sector?

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If they're going to consider future liabilities (which is what the pensions are) then surely they need to compare it to future income as well...


Yes - if we're going to go all plc accounting we also need to take account of government owned land, buildings and other assets.

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Saw an interesting thing last night on the box. It said that if you stood at a window throwing individual 50 pound notes out as fast as you can it would take 3000 years to reach the level of the country's debts...


...........because half of SF would be outside the window pocketing them.

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And the chap who fell from the 110th floor of the Empire State Building, no doubt thought to himself "I've fallen one hundred and eight storeys and come to no harm at all. Why should I fear the last two?"


Indeed, it's the last millimetre that kills you.

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