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The bliss of ignorance

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what does your first sentence mean? I have puzzled over it for a few minutes. It strikes me as one of those profound sentences that can mean almost anything or nothing.


Are you claiming that the Doomsday Book because it exists today is contemporary evidence?


Your point perhaps being that our view of history improves as we uncover more information like the way the Staffordshire Horde uncovered recently adds to our understanding of history?


The evidence I was thinking of was from the chroniclers of the day and court records. i.e. first hand contemporary evidence, but of course archaeological evidence is invaluable as well although our knowledge of artefacts is gained, I believe, firstly from written text?


Yes, I would consider the Domesday Book contemporary evidence, wouldn't you?

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Grahame, you are commanded by your God to love your muslim neighbour as yourself . And Swami too.


"1 Timothy 5:20 Them that (are wrong) rebuke before all, that others also may fear.


2 Timothy 4:2 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.


Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;


Titus 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority."


Ezekiel 33:8 if thou dost not speak to warn (people) from their way......his blood will I require at thine hand."



It is all done in love. :)

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God knows how the Barons wrote Magna Carta or the Founding Fathers the declaration of independence without the Great God Google
I swear to tell the google, the all google and nothing but the google; so help me mod:hihi:
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You mean that if the same group of people all claim the earth is flat, you cannot do the research to see if they are correct or not?


If that were the case I would suggest you were a member of that group and you preferred to live in blissful ignorance of the truth. :)


Sorry, but I think you are a member of such a group and your mind is closed.


Re my bold.

Life is a mirror Grahame. :)

You asked me a question in the first paragraph and presumed an answer from me in the second paragraph.

Naughty, naughty Grahame. ;)


I'm a Marxist of the Groucho tendency and as such would never belong to any group that would accept me as a member.

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So far from this thread - Someone's views/propagation can be challenged through legitimate facts found by a search engine. This does not suit that person's views/plans so the evidence is immediately rejected of grounds of inaccuracy, non-conformity and is often reduced to discreditation through absurdity. That's about the size of it right?


Like I said earlier, acceptance and involving people is the most effective way of overcoming resistance to change. However, once that is understood that it can be easily countered and people will not change their views or opinions regardless. Nobody can ever win an argument so don't even bother to try to influence others.

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So far from this thread - Someone's views/propagation can be challenged through legitimate facts found by a search engine. This does not suit that person's views/plans so the evidence is immediately rejected of grounds of inaccuracy, non-conformity and is often reduced to discreditation through absurdity. That's about the size of it right?


Like I said earlier, acceptance and involving people is the most effective way of overcoming resistance to change. However, once that is understood that it can be easily countered and people will not change their views or opinions regardless. Nobody can ever win an argument so don't even bother to try to influence others.


I don't accept that view.

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So far from this thread - Someone's views/propagation can be challenged through legitimate facts found by a search engine. This does not suit that person's views/plans so the evidence is immediately rejected of grounds of inaccuracy, non-conformity and is often reduced to discreditation through absurdity. That's about the size of it right?


Like I said earlier, acceptance and involving people is the most effective way of overcoming resistance to change. However, once that is understood that it can be easily countered and people will not change their views or opinions regardless. Nobody can ever win an argument so don't even bother to try to influence others.


There are plenty of examples of people changing their views because of evidence being presented that has convinced them otherwise.

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There are plenty of examples of people changing their views because of evidence being presented that has convinced them otherwise.


No there isn't..yes there is. No there isn't..yes ther.........................:)

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