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The bliss of ignorance

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With respect, You won't convince anyone with a reason like that. :hihi:
I'm not trying to convince anyone, that's wasn't my intention. My intention was to express my opinion as I consider it to be subjective to claim someone is right or wrong based wholly on the accounts of someone else.
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Re my bold.

Life is a mirror Grahame. :)

You asked me a question in the first paragraph and presumed an answer from me in the second paragraph.

Naughty, naughty Grahame. ;)


I'm a Marxist of the Groucho tendency and as such would never belong to any group that would accept me as a member.


Seeing as Marxism is about equality and the Marx brothers were comics I presume you mean : -


"everything equals the same big joke?"


Which is a like saying, "Ignorance is Bliss."


Either way it looks like an attitude problem which some people equate to being "ignorant" thereby causing the misunderstanding earlier in the thread?


What do you think and is this a common attitude among others today?




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I'm not trying to convince anyone, that's wasn't my intention. My intention was to express my opinion as I consider it to be subjective to claim someone is right or wrong based wholly on the accounts of someone else.


It would be subjective if you were to express you opinion independent of evidence from other people.


Whether subjective or not the strength of any claim to rightness or wrongness depends upon the weight of evidence including factors like the reliability of your sources.


You can take the view that quantum mechanics requires a subjective observer (Schroedingers Cat for example).... but such claims to subjectivity don't make the facts established any less true or right. If there was no truth or falsity in the normal sense of the word scientists would not have been able to design computer chips or radios.

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You can take the view that quantum mechanics requires a subjective observer (Schroedingers Cat for example).... but such claims to subjectivity don't make the facts established any less true or right.


I think the cat was keeping a watchful eye on Pavlov's dog ;)

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Seeing as Marxism is about equality and the Marx brothers were comics I presume you mean : -


"everything equals the same big joke?"


Which is a like saying, "Ignorance is Bliss."


Either way it looks like an attitude problem which some people equate to being "ignorant" thereby causing the misunderstanding earlier in the thread?


What do you think and is this a common attitude among others today?





Methinks thou doth presume too much. :)


I'm a Swami Grahame. I try to live in the moment and be true to the best I know. An essential part of this is developing the ability to look for the best in everyone. Sometimes it's harder than at other times. ;)

I would say ignorance is never bliss. Knowledge is power. :love:

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Methinks thou doth presume too much. :)


I'm a Swami Grahame. I try to live in the moment and be true to the best I know. An essential part of this is developing the ability to look for the best in everyone. Sometimes it's harder than at other times. ;)

I would say ignorance is never bliss. Knowledge is power. :love:


Ah, now I am beginning to understand and you have my respect. :)


On a personal note I always wanted to go skydiving but I never did, however the sky divers motto and probably others also is, "Knowledge dispels fear." Not quite the same as "Knowledge is power" but perhaps one comes with the other.



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Ah, now I am beginning to understand and you have my respect. :)


On a personal note I always wanted to go skydiving but I never did, however the sky divers motto and probably others also is, "Knowledge dispels fear." Not quite the same as "Knowledge is power" but perhaps one comes with the other.




Thankyou Grahame. :)


We are poles apart on some issues but the respect is mutual.

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I'm not sure it is all down to ignorance. People develop values and beliefs, many of which become entwined with that person's identity. It may well be easier to rubbish the other person and reinforce one's own irrational beliefs than to admit that the said belief is irrational.


Once we begin to question core values, or we are forced to confront them through some kind of external trauma, we can end up in a very uncomfortable place not knowing what it is safe to cling on to.


One should never underestimate how much "investment" people put into building their identity through their beliefs.

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Internet discussions are rarely about matters of science where evidence decides, or matters with a binary yes/no answer that can be proved. Nearly every discussion is about matters of opinion. Hardly surprising that they nearly always boil down to religion or politics, where evidence is often actively ignored.


The Prof Nutt saga from last year really angered me for this reason.


I actually think that increasing numbers of TV channels and the Internet can be a detriment to critical thinking because people simply seek out information that reinforces their opinions. Hence Fox News in the US is the "most trusted news network" despite being poisonous nonsense that pushes an agenda.


Face to face debate, preferably with a pint, in a pub, is always the best form of debate. I have had my mind changed far more frequently from intelligent humorous debate in these situations.


Despite attending two faith schools, I recall that even our Chaplain encouraged dissenting debate. The attempt to establish the truth was more important than the truth itself, even if it was possible. By contrast it saddened me to see those kids on the Dawkins programme last week, sat alongside their "science" teacher. To hear them unanimously state their disbelief in evolution, and even descend into Internet style apologetics to defend their dogmas, at such a young age. Very sad. :(

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