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Nick Clegg-"Libdems not damaged by Coalition"

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This LibDem Councillor certainly has his worries about the Coalition and says thousands more are in the same situation.




It seems that some belated attacks on the Tories for favouring tax avoiders, may give them some credibility again....




According to the Daily Mail...


Sir Philip has mounted a furious defence of his tax affairs.


A journalist on London's City AM newspaper said Sir Philip had called his editor and described him as '******* t****r' after he questioned his tax status.




He sounds like a lovely chap to use such language to a journalist.


But how can they sustain a coalition in these circumstances?

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That's because the coalition is doing what the people of the country has asked them to do, clean up Labours mess.


It appears the only people talking up any damage to the Lib Dem's are people like you who support Labour. You are talking for Lib Dem supporters when you are not even one of them.



Which mess is that then Serapis, has you wealth dropped significantly under Labour, or will you avoid this question once again.


I think you'll find that this is the people polled speaking and I can assure you that I didn't get polled on any of the polls that shows them as not being damaged in the eyes of one of the two C's.

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Thanks to Tony's Spectator source this has caught my attention and should probably be aired here:




The fact the Tories are making up ridiculous pledges on immigration that the LibDems are challenging.


It would appear there are plenty of faultlines in this coalition and we haven't even had the results of the spending challenge yet.... Conference season this year promises to be loads of fun...

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What planet is this idiot from?


Irrespective of whether or not you think the coalition is doing a good job (I think not), not even the most diehard Libdem supporter will deny that the ratings in the polls are disastrous for their party.


Put simply, if these polls are representative of voting levels, then the Libdems face wipeout at the next Council Elections.


And he thinks they aren't being damaged:loopy:


Even more worrying is that he is currently running the country!


It is very much a cause of concern that this weak, so easily used and manipulated man has been left running our country.

It is interesting to note that Cameron dare not leave the country, I very much doubt it will be any kind of a holiday for him.

This is a test of Cleggs mettle, and he is on definite trial here.


Cameron has tested the water, and realises he can do without his useful idiots.

They served their purpose while he got his feet under the table.


When Cameron returns, Clegg will be put on notice and be gone by the New Year.

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