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My partner's ex doesn't pay child maintenance

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My partner of 8yrs always paid for his son until 1yr ago when his son came to live with us.

Since then his mother has not paid a single penny towards his upkeep saying she is not working ( raising another child) and she doesn't have to pay.


My partner contributed over £200 per month for 9yrs and now can't ask for the same


If she isn't working, then it's almost certain that you won't receive the same figure in return (unless she is claiming a huge amount)

Your partners ex should be paying 15% of her net salary, minus one seventh if her son stays with her for one noight a week, 2 sevenths for two nights etc.


The poster says that the mother isn't working AND has another child to support. Without knowing how much the mother 'earns' on benefits makes a difference too. I would guess that her net income couldn't possibly be over £200 a week. So she would most likely pay 1child maintenance minus one own child in her care, hence she would have to pay (£5 + 20.5% of any of her earnings AFTER the first £100 is deducted) minus 1/7th of each day she has the OP's partners child per week.


(I think that makes sense)

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The poster says that the mother isn't working AND has another child to support.

Yes you're right.


I think its a flat payment of £5 in those circumstances, it does say on the csa website.


It's still **** though, It costs what it costs to raise a child, both parents should pay 50% of that irrespective of income.

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you should pay 15% of your wage so it ends up more than £5.00

Not necessarily, check the earlier post.

and lets be honest it takes two to tango so you should get more contact csa


She isn't working. And despite personal opinions, the system doesn't work that way.

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Yes you're right.


I think its a flat payment of £5 in those circumstances, it does say on the csa website.


It's still **** though, It costs what it costs to raise a child, both parents should pay 50% of that irrespective of income.


Just before the CSA started I was a single mum on benefits and the court awarded 5p a year, yes 5p a year which was paid on August 1st I remember it well. As I was on benefits I would not have got any maintenance and the 5p was just a sort of acknowledgment of responsibilty. Maybe the £5 is just the same sort of acknowledgment.

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