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Shocking Chinese Restaurant Visit


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Anyone who has read my additions to the "best chinese restaurant" threads may have noticed that I list the Vietnamese Noodle Bar on London Rd as one of my favourites - NOT ANY MORE.


Took my friend there tonight for tea - lovely chicken satay as usual - all way going well until our mains arrived. My friend had an actual insect, some sort of small beetle thing with legs and anntenae on the top of her food. Obviously we drew attention to this and a replacement was bought out in literally 3 minutes - which led me to query that it was in fact a different dish. We were ensured it was so she tentatively picked at it. My meal, which included some roast duck arrived as well - the meat (ha!) was all bone, fat and cartilidge which I also picked at - suddenly feeling a lack of appetite. I asked to see the manager and three people later explained I wasn't very happy and explained why calmly and politely. We were accused of complaining after we had eaten "most" of our food. Not true. She told us that the dish with insect had been replaced and her kitchens can cook very fast. I asked why there was an insect in the first place - which she didnt answer. She said she was prepared to knock 20% off my meal because "lots of people" complain the duck is too fatty. I said "well I'm not eating this and neither is my friend". She stomped off after arguing with me for 5 minutes about her position and we assumed she was going to fetch our bill. 15 minutes later we are still sat there twiddling our thumbs. So I loudly asked to see her again - I asked her where the bill was and told her I wasn't prepared to pay for the mains and that was final and that if she wanted me to take it further that there was an insect in my mates meal then I would. I also told her I ate there at least once a week and that I would not be eating there again and I would be telling my friends (thats you lot) not to eat there either. She argued a little while longer by which point I was getting quite angry. I told her finally in a very firm voice (half of the very busy restaurant now listening) I would only pay for the starters and the drinks and I was prepared to take it further if necessary. She then messily grabbed our plates and stomped off and bought us our bill - still £13.50!!!


I have never ever been an assertive person when it comes to complaining but I am absolutely ENRAGED she had the audacity to argue with me when there was a beetle in my friends food!


Ok - rant over. I might sleep tonight now.

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That must have been horrible.


I would have been tempted to utter those words 'environmental health'.....


I don't think I've ever encountered unwanted insects in my food - I'd be mortified if I did. The odd hair, the occasional stringy bit of meat and in a hotel in Edinburgh a mouldy Danish Pastry, but that takes the biscuit.


How big was the bug?



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Well to be honest it was huge - not like a cockroach or anything BUT it was about the size a house fly and it was so beetle like. On its back legs akimbo sort of thing - such a proper looking insect.


I was on the verge of using enviromental health - if she hadn't have given up when she did that was my next line of attack. I said it loud enough for people around me to hear...


Even the blokes on the table next to us said there was no way they had time to cook up an entirely new dish - and said my friend should have eaten it for the protein!! It probably would have been as bony as the duck!!!

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I am continually suprised by how busy that place is.

I don't know anyone that has had a good meal there. I went once, my meal was burnt all around the edge, cold in the middle, returned it and got it back with a large pile of spit on top of it.


A friend of mine, organised her 25th birthday there the other year. called them up, booked a table for 20. Told all her fiends that it was booked, turned up only to called a liar as they didn't take bookings. Reduced her to tears in front of her friends.


Quite how they're still in business is beyond me.

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Sounds lovley :gag:


Give the Sheffield Star a ring. Cheeky gits !. I can't believe they had the nerve to charge you anything.And if it's as bad as that it's a health hazzard to everybody ( especially in this heat ).


People need to be warned about places like this, they should not be in buisness. Thanks for the warning, i will make sure my family steer well clear of the place.

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I still feel funny this morning... have told both of my classes that I've taught this morning! I'm sure there's some sort of religious moral in there somewhere!


I didn't want to pay for anything either - but there was nowt wrong with me tiger beer and the starters were lovely - I didn't want to get into any trouble, wasn't sure what the legal position was on it to be honest.


The service was never great - but i just never tipped, the food usually made up for it though cos it is so cheap. If I want smiles and someone to remember my name I'll go to candy town.


I need a new noodle bar now though... :(

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