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Charles Kennedy - 'not defecting to Labour'

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Says who? I haven't heard anything to say that Clegg is "so unpopular in his own party". What's your source and your measure?


Here you go Tony, from Saturdays Torygraph:



Nick Clegg faces conference ambush as Liberal Democrats threaten to defect

Liberal Democrats are to stage a potentially-explosive debate about changing sides at the next election and forming a coalition with Labour.


By Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor

Published: 9:00PM BST 21 Aug 2010


After the election Mr Clegg made much of his decision not to prop up an unpopular Labour administration. Photo: PA

The prospect is raised in a consultation paper to be discussed at the party's annual conference in Liverpool next month.


Its presence on the agenda will open the door for activists unhappy with Nick Clegg's leadership to speak out.



US wrecks David Cameron's extradition pledgeThe document emerged as Charles Kennedy, the former party leader, went to ground on Saturday after it was reported that he had been in talks with Labour whips about the possibility of defecting.


Mr Clegg said on Saturday night that he had not managed to speak to Mr Kennedy in the 24 hours since the story emerged, but added that he had received an email assuring him that the MP was not about to jump ship.


Ed Miliband, the Labour leadership contender, stoked the row by issuing a statement saying he would welcome any Lib Dems into the Labour fold.


"I want Labour to be your home. I want you to come over to us. The door is open. I know there are a lot of Liberal Democrats who are unhappy. I hope they will see Labour as their natural home."


Appearing at a question and answer session in Bristol yesterday, Mr Clegg did his best to quash the talk of defections by MPs.


But the Lib Dem leader and Deputy Prime Minister has been unable to stop party members from tabling a strategy paper about the party's future which suggests the idea of collaboration with Labour.


In a paper entitled "Party Strategy and Priorities", Gordon Lishman, a member of the party's ruling federal executive, says: "It may well be that, nearer the next Election, the Labour leadership will start thinking about how to promote and achieve the idea of working cooperatively with the Liberal Democrats.


"Our leaders will need to manage that journey and our relationship to it in a careful and balanced way which commands the continued support and understanding of the mass Party."


Talk of a "journey" from co-operating with one party to another is bound to infuriate Mr Clegg who has staked his reputation on his close working relationship with David Cameron and has talked about the coalition with the Tories being a "long term" arrangement.


After the election Mr Clegg made much of his decision not to prop up an unpopular Labour administration.


But leftwingers in his party made no secret of the fact that they would have preferred to enter a coalition with Labour and will welcome public discussion of the possibility of switching sides in the future.


One senior Lib Dem MP said last night: "This is a very wise and sensible suggestion."


Mr Clegg also faces embarrassment from a series of other conference motions which have been tabled criticising coalition policy and proposing left wing alternatives.


The event in Liverpool, the first conference the Lib Dems have held while in power, is expected to draw up to 6,000 people and will be watched closely for signs of splits with the Tories.


Motions calling for higher taxes on the rich, including a land tax, and opposing Michael Gove's free schools are set to be debated.


Lib Dems activists will also call for same-sex couples to be allowed to marry in church and a motion has been tabled accusing the Labour Government of "human rights" abuses in Iraq.


Mr Clegg risks upsetting already fractious members by leaving the conference early to attend the United Nations conference on the millennium development goals in New York.


With the party plummeting in the polls, and losing support particularly in the north and among young voters, officials had hoped he would spend time reassuring activists.


But he will leave the conference after just two days, handing responsibility for the final rallying speech to Vince Cable, the Business Secretary.


Papers tabled ahead of conference are highly critical of many of the coalition's policies, including Mr Cameron's Big Society idea, which it calls a "controlled, managed, limited form of engagement with people.


There is no sense of a more radical agenda about involving people in taking and using power."


On the economy, a motion condemns George Osborne's spending cuts for affecting most adversely the "poor and vulnerable".


In a strongly worded statement, activists propose that "Liberal Democrat ministers are given the freedom and resources to commission research to fully assess the viability and practicalities of increasing taxation on wealth – including land values."


The Lishman strategy paper raises the prospect of permanent coalition government in Britain and discusses how the party could participate in "different coalitions".


It says: "We need to establish a broader understanding, already shared by the overwhelming majority of the democratic world outside England, that different coalitions can be a useful and effective form of politics.


How can we present coalition and our potential role in different coalitions at all levels as a positive option?"


It calls for policy to be made which can withstand "a major shift with each change of parties in government".

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I thought it was you that threw their names into the pot which as now gone way of topic.


Charles Kennedy - 'not defecting to Labour'


My dear friend, the last person to mention Kennedy on this thread was me in relation to the sexed up document and Labours lies to Parliament.

Interestingly (and almost on topic) Charles Kennedy's response on the day was quite fortelling


What we must be clear about—the Prime Minister touched on this at some length—is the notion of regime change, which is ill-defined, and remains so today. It would set a dangerous precedent in international affairs. We have to be clear about the possible consequences of a regime change. What will the reaction be in the rest of the Arab world? If Saddam's regime falls, what kind of government system is envisaged as a replacement?


Kennedy is his own man and can make his own decisions* but it's a struggle to see why he would want to join that bunch of lying warmongers.



*Kennedy said no in case you missed it. It only makes you wonder if the whole non-story was another lie generated by Labour.

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My dear friend, the last person to mention Kennedy on this thread was me in relation to the sexed up document and Labours lies to Parliament.



Kennedy is his own man and can make his own decisions* but it's a struggle to see why he would want to join that bunch of lying warmongers.



*Kennedy said no in case you missed it. It only makes you wonder if the whole non-story was another lie generated by Labour.




Sounds to me like it could be time for another bacon butty!:hihi:

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Here you go Tony, from Saturdays Torygraph:

That's discussion that that you find in every party. It's not the same as "so unpopular in his own party", especially in the Lib-Dems where independent free thinking is part of the point of the party.


You make it sound like he's about to be out on his ear. I've not seen anything to that effect though you seem to be awfully keen to bend the facts to prove a point that you think I might care about.

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That's discussion that that you find in every party. It's not the same as "so unpopular in his own party", especially in the Lib-Dems where independent free thinking is part of the point of the party.



Discussion that you find in every party eh? really? This is the first time the Lib Dems have ever had a taste of power, albeit via the back-door and after only a few months key figures are reported to be in discussions with the opposition about defecting. Doesn't sound like everyday party stuff to me.

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